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Gita and vedantic philosophy question

In the past couple of years I have been reading with interest articles on 
the Vedantic philosophy posted in the alt.hindu & s.c.i.
I did learn a bit, but the divergence in the philosophies ranging from
Shankara's nonduality to Madhava's duality theory tend to make the whole 
thing very difficult. The question arises, are all the four           
(advaitavad, vishistadvaitavad, dwaitadvaitavad & dwaitavad) vedantic
philosophies true and lead to the same goal? or is it that some of them are more
perfect than the other?

Undoubtly all these philosophical thoughts accept Gita to be one of the 
pillars, besides brahma sutra bhasya and upanishads (Ref: Spiritual Heritage
of India, Swami Prabhavananda of RK Mission, also brought out recently by a
poster in s.c.i) 

If we accept Gita to be one of the authorities upon which these philosophies 
are based then I would like to invite your comments on the following shlokas.
I would be interested in knowing how would you interpret (not translation)
these shlokas from your philosophical point of view:

matah parataram na anyat kinchit asti dhananjaya
mayi sarvam idam protam sutre mani gana iva

maya adhayakshena prakritih suyate sa characharam
hetu nanena kaunteya jagat parivartate

aham sarvasya prabhvo mattah sarvam pravartate
iti matva bhajamtemam budha bhava samanvita

sarva yonishu kaunteya murtaya sam bhavantiyah
tasam brahma mahad yonir aham bija pdaha pradha pita

mamavansha jivaloke jiva bhutaha sanatanah
manah shrashtani indriyani prakritistani karsati

sarvadharman parityajya mamekam saranam vraja
aham tvam sarva papebhyaha mokshyami ma sucham


bhaktya mam abhijanati yavan yaschasmi tatvatah
tatomam tatvato ghanatva vishate tad antaram

It would be interesting to know how different philosophical thoughts
interpret the above shlokas......

--Pranob Banerjee
  Department of Chemical Engineering, U of A, Edmonton, Canada.

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