Profound Apologies about Inappropriate Post
To: editor (digest editor)
Subject: Profound Apologies about Inappropriate Post
From: editor.csm.uc.edu (digest editor)
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 94 21:08:51 EST
Dear Readers of Alt.Hindu
Please express my puublic apologies for posting the article by
Mohan V Draksharam ( mvd41174@olive.egr.uh.edu).
This article was rejected, because its tone, and abusive language were
clearly inappropriate for this forum. The article was filed separately,
so that I can send it back to the author for appropriate modifications.
However, by mistake, I sent it out to the net, instead of the author.
The article is especially distressing because it originated from someone
who is affiliated with the Hindu Students Council. Please be assured, that
although the author has signed his name as the "President of the Hindu
Students Council at the University of Houston", the article in no way
reflects the thinking of the Hindu Students Council, or its memnbers who
incidently, moderate this forum.
Dissension, and ability to learn from others point of view has been the hall
mark of Hindu dharma, and the primary function of this newsgroup is to
provide a forum for this. In fact most of the discussion, barring
name calling has proved quite useful to those who have sought knowledge.
Once again, my apoligies...
Ajay Shah
for Alt.Hindu