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name-calling (was Re: superstitions)

Much sound and fury is going on regarding name-calling. Mr. Tandon and co.  
repeatedly accuse me of starting the name-calling. All I said originally  
was this "to dismiss advaita as a superstition, is being blind to many  
things". I also described one of his arguments as a lame one. If this  
qualifies as name-calling, yes, I did it, and I am not going to apologize  
for it. Mr. Tandon responded to this with words like moron, idiot etc. I  
leave it to readers to judge who is doing the name-calling here. 

I do not intend to carry on this discussion beyond some point. I have  
neither the time nor the inclination for the vitaNDA vAda of my respected  


S. Vidyasankar

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