Submission:God is reading THREAD
Replying to the comments of Debashish Banerji at alt.hindu
Regarding Message-ID: <3d557n$90t@ucunix.san.uc.edu>
God is reading.
Debaji is a sincere student, devotee and proponent of the teachings and
persons of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, and is as well a gentleman from whom
I continue to learn much. He is well-versed in Sanskrit and in Aurobindian
doctrine, currently serving as host at the East West Cultural Center in
City, California. Aware of his background and scholarship, I therefore
with due diligence to whatever he chooses to say.
With verve he offered his doubts about Sathya Sai Baba, criticized my writing
style, questioned my integrity, and publicized his teacher. In doing so he
belittled my statement,
" The mystic scholar Sri Aurobindo some distance away and knowing nothing
of the Raju family, noted in his journal on November 24, 1926 an inner
awareness that Krishna had again taken form on earth."
He belittled that comment by replying it was misinformation since `Sri
Aurobindo did not note anything of the sort in any journal.' Ah, since
Debashish says so with such certainty, it is possible that my memory has not
served me well. I urge Debashish to kindly post the verbatim entry made by
Sri Aurobindo on that date so all may see it for themselves.
Until that quote comes, and with due respects to Debashish, I note he seems
have said at length exactly whI said in one sentence: Sri Aurobindo noted
in His journal an inner awareness that Krishna had again taken form on earth.
Debashish however assumes, at length, the Descent that day applies _only_ to
Sri Aurobindo. To wit:
>Krishna's "taking form on earth"... was the fixing of the Krishna
>consciousness in Sri Aurobindo's body.
Debashish goes on to show not only he says so, but so also says the Mother.
is correct: that is said. However rather than look at what the current
doctrine is, please let us look exactly at what Sri Aurobindo Himself said
THEN on that evening.
So, if any Aurobindian yet feels Bon is misinforming, I suggest the briefest
way to show how is to quote the entry of Sri Aurobindo, verbatim, from
November 24th, 1926. No other commentary is needed since Debashish already
offered The Mother's take on the event (and it was lovely), but I am talking
about what Sri Aurobindo Himself _wrote_ that night, not anyone else's later
thoughts on the matter. When that quote is posted, all may determine if my
original choice of words was apt or misinforming. It may also show whether
hagiographic redaction has read into Aurobindo's words what devotees wish to
see there.
By the way, those unfamiliar with the words of the sage or His wife may well
enjoy a small booklet called The Mother. It contains excellent insight into
the nature of the apprentice and how Grace descends into abiding clarity.
Aurobindo was to discover through His Yoga that it was only the Descent of
principle of Supermind into the Physical that could quicken the action of the
Knowledge-consciousness latent or involved within the Ignorance and lead to a
transformation of our material existence into a Divine Life on earth. To that
end His devotees yet attend all that He and His wife wrote, and await that
Descent in themselves. Would that all have it this day to such fullness that
they see it even in others.
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