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Re: God and Demigods-is Ganesha demigod?

In article #1726 H. Krishna Susarla (susarla@great-gray.owlnet.rice.edu) writes:
:K. Sadananda (sadananda@anvil.nrl.navy.mil) wrote:
: I am sure this is gratifying to all Vaisnavaites to know that their god is
: superior, but what about the Saivaites. They are doomed for eternal misery
: since their god is not capable of giving salvation!  It was amusing to read
>No. People who worship Lord Shiva go to the Kailasa planet, which is
>a higher planet in this material universe. However, everyone there
>prays to Krishna and hopes to be in Krishnaloka in their next birth. 
>So, Saivaites who attain Kailasa continue to advance in their spiritual
>advancement. But their path is more indirect.

 My pranams and apologies for disagreeing to your most cherished and sacred
ideologies. But come on man, you got to be kidding! Do you mean to say Kailasa
is a planet?? After all a mere planet??? A kind of planet that orbits the Sun?
Also, what is "higher planet" in an endless void of space and vaccuum???
Just as any planet that we know of has limits and boundaries, you think
Kailas also has space-problems and will issue Non-resident visas for
visitors!!! Forgive me for the parody, but I could not resist. I really
think we are capable of better ideas and logic. If you REALLY believe in the
Vishwa-roopa of Krishna, where Past, Present, Future, all beings and 
Universe existed, I beg you to tell me what is different from Krishna??
How can there be a Kailas other than Him ??? We want to fight over 
my theory ALONE is right and not stop there, but bite others saying that their
theory IS WRONG!! We never want to agree that Truth is One and what does
it matter what label sticker you put on it, be it Krishna or Rama or Shiva
or Jesus??? Who are we, who did not reach the level of ego-lessness to even
imagine that the Grandest Truth may not be in the realms of the limited
intelligence and how can the brain understand the mind of its own Creator,
decree which path is indirect and which path is direct???!!!!

>Please forgive my audacity in quoting the scripture. I don't mean
>to suggest that my opinion is correct. I only suggest that Lord 
>Krishna's opinion is the only opinion any of us should be considering.

Yes, I agree to your quotations. Seeing is believing and hence Lord Krishna
showed Arjuna His Vishwaroopa, because Arjuna also like us may get confused
about Lord's own words as to what exactly He meant!! We can fight for long
as to what exactly it is, but for Arjuna after seeing Vishwaroopa, it was
easy to get cleared up. Now can we atleast try to see the same in that Light??

>Of course, if you really don't believe in Lord Krishna, then I suppose
>I can't expect you to take His words literally.

 Well, that is very nice of you and I respect you for that. We have no
business to thrust anything down anyones throat. After all Lord Krishna
also did not brag about telling the Gita to everyone in the battle-field!!
Only to Arjuna He told, and that too when Arjuna continued to ask 
Him to explain more, and immediately stopped telling Gita when Arjuna
confessed that "Nashto Moha Smritir Labdha.." saying he got the point and will
fight his battles. 
>The only people who ought to be ridiculed are those who claim to believe
>in God, but then twist His words around to suit their own personal
>philosophy of life.

 No one ought to be ridiculed by dear friend. We are all understanding Him
at different levels, that is all. Lord is smarter than us and without His grace
we would not even blink. We understand Lord's words and profundity of His 
teachings only to the extent and maturity of our own inner development. I had 
"Electricity" as one chapter when I was in 8th class in India, and I thought 
if I complete that chapter, I will know everything about Electricity!! Even 
when I got Masters in Electrical Engg. I still think there is so much I do not 
know about it!! So what does that mean? Did Electricity ever change?? Never! 
Lord's words will never change. But depending upon our own Sadhana and to the 
degreee our heart becomes purified does He reveal Himself more to us. Not 
because some one applauds on alt.hindu, but genuinely when our heart is pure 
and our mind has less or no vulgar thoughts can we ever imagine to experience 
His true meaning and understand His words more fully. Until then even His own 
words, we are capable of mis-understanding!! 
	When a child is hurt, a loving mother does not say the synonyms
of "sympathy" to the child! But with her own sheer love, totally relates to
the child and tries to pacify more than any orator who knows all the synonyms 
of "sympathy" can ever do! If that is so, will not Lord answer more eloquently 
to the aching hearts of a sincere devotee in more clearer terms than any verse
can ever expound??

With best regards
-Srinivas Nagulapalli

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