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The Fruit of the Vedas

The Fruit of the Vedas

1. Padma Purana (Cc. Madhya, 22.113)
    (Brhat sahasra nama stotra)

smartavyo satatam visnur
vismartavyo na jatucit
sarve vidhi-nisedhah syur
etavyor eva kinkarah


	The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, should always be
remembered and never forgotten at any time. All the rules and prohibitions
mentioned in the sastras should be the servants of those two principles. 

2. Cc. Madhya, 20.122

maya - mugdha jivera nahi svatah krsna - jnana
jivere krpaya kaila krsna veda - purana


	The conditioned soul cannot revive his Krsna consciousness by his
own effort. But out of causeless mercy, Lord Krsna compiled the Vedic
literature and its supplements, the Puranas. 

3. Cc. Madhya, 6.178

bhagavan - sambandha, bhakti - abhidheya haya
prema - prayojana, vede tina - vastu kaya


	The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the central point of all
relationships, acting in devotional service to Him is ones real
occupation, and the attainment of love of Godhead is the ultimate goal of
life. These three subject matters are described in V edic literature. 

4. Cc. Madhya, 20.130

sarvajnera vakye mula - dhana anubandha
sarva - sastre upadese,sri - krsnera - sambandha


	By the words of the astrologer, the poor man's connection with the
treasure was established. Similarly, Vedic literature advises us that our
real connection is with Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. 

5. Cc. Madhya, 20.139

ataeva bhakti - krsna - praptyera upaya
abhidheya bali tare sarva - sastre gaya


	The conclusion is that devotional service is the only means to
approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This system is therefore
called abhidheya. This is the verdict of all revealed scriptures. 

6. Cc. Madhya, 20.142

daridrya - nasa, bhava - ksaya, - premera phala naya
prema - sukha - bhoga - mukhya prayojana haya


	The goal of love of Godhead is not to become materially rich or
free from material bondage. The real goal is to be situated in devotional
service to the Lord and to enjoy transcendental bliss. 

7. Cc. Madhya, 20.143
veda - sastre kahe sambandha, abhidheya, prayojana
krsna, krsna - bhakti, prema, - tina maha - dhana


	In Vedic literatures, Krsna is the central point of attraction,
and His service is our activity. To attain the platform of love of Krsna
is lifes ultimate goal. Therefore Krsna, krsnas service and love of
Krsna are the three great riches of life. 

9. Cc. Madhya, 25.98

cari - veda - upanisade yata kichu haya
tara artha tana vyasa karila sancaya


	Vyasadeva collected whatever Vedic conclusions were in the four
Vedas and 108 Upanisads and placed them in the codes of the Vedanta-sutra. 

10. Cc. Madhya, 25.99

yei sutre yei rk - visaya - vacana
bhagavate sei rk sloke nibandhana


	In Vedanta-sutra, the purpose of all Vedic knowledge is explained,
and in Srimad-Bhagavatam the same purpose has been explained in eighteen
thousand verses. 

11. Cc. Madhya, 25.100

ataeva brahma - sutrera bhasya -- sri - bhagavata
bhagavata - sloka, upanisat kahe eka mata


	That which is explained in the verses of Srimad-Bhagavatam and in
the Upanisads serves the same purpose. 

12. Garuda Purana  (Cc. Madhya, 25.143-144)

artho 'yam brahma-sutranam

purananam sama-rupah
grantho stadasa-sahasrah


	The meaning of the Vedanta-sutra is present in Srimad-Bhagavatam.
The commentary of the Brahma-gayatri is also there and fully expanded with
all Vedic knowledge. Srimad-Bhagavatam is the supreme Purana, and it was
compiled by the Supreme Personality of G odhead in His incarnation as
Vyasadeva. There are twelve cantos, 335 chapters and eighteen thousand


(a). Cc. Madhya, 25.94

pranavera yei artha gayatrite sei haya
brahma narade sei upadesa kaila


	Whatever was spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead to Lord
Brahma in the four verses of Srimad-Bhagavatam, was also explained to
Narada by Lord Brahma. 

(b). Cc. Madhya, 25.95

narada sei artha vyasere kahila
suni veda-vyasa mane vicara karila


	Whatever Lord Brahma told was again eplained by Narada Muni to
Vyasadeva. Vyasadeva later considered these instructions in his mind. 

(c). SB 2.9.33-36 (Catuh-sloki Bhagavatam)

aham evasam evagre
nanyad yat sad-asat param
pascad aham yad etac ca
yo vasisyeta so smy aham


	Brahma, it is I, Personality of Godhead, who was existing before
the creation, when there was nothing but Myself. Nor was there the
material nature, the cause of this creation. That which you see now is
also I, the Personality of Godhead, and after annih ilation what remains
will also be I, the Personality of Godhead. 

rthe 'rtham yat pratiyeta
na pratiyeta catmani
tad vidyad atmano mayam 
yathabhaso yatha tamah


	O Brahma, whatever appears to be of any value, if it is without
relation to Me, has no reality. Know it as My illusory energy, that
reflection which appears to be in darkness. 

yatha mahanti bhutani
bhutesuccavacesv anu
pravistany apravistani
tatha tesu na tesv aham


	O Brahma, please know that the universal elements enter into the
cosmos and at the same time do not enter into the cosmos; similarly, I
Myself also exist within everything created, and at the same time I am
outside of everthing. 

etadvad eva jijnasyam 
yat syat sarvatra sarvada


	A person who is searching after the Supreme Absoute Truth,
Personality of Godhead, most certainly search for it up to this, in all
circumstances, in all space and time, and both directly and indirectly. 

14. Cc. Madhya, 7.146

sambandha, abhidheya, prayojana nama
ei tina artha sarva - sutre paryavasana


	One's relationship with the Supreme personality of Godhead,
activities of that relationship, and the ultimate goal of life [to develop
love of God] - these three subjects are explained in every code of the
Vedanta-sutra, for they form the culmination of the entire Vedanta

Note: Translations and Purports of Srimad Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita, and 
Caitanya-caritamrita are those of His Divine Grave A.C. Bhaktivedanta 
Swami Prabhupada, the founder-acarya of the International Society for 
Krishna Consciousness, and are copywrighted by the Bhaktivedanta Book 

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