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On Sunday, April 9, 1995, the Hindu Students Council Chapter at Georgia 
Tech hosted a talk by Swami Vedananda, on the fourth chapter of the 
Bhagvad Gita.  
Swami Vedananda is on his third visit to the U.S.  He has an Ashram in 
Hyderabad and also runs a small library there.  Through his ashram, he 
provides financial assistance to needy students and also provides a range 
of services to the people who visit the ashram.  Swamiji took Sanyas in 
1969, when he was initiated in to the Ramakrishna Order.  Therefore, he 
explains the scriptures on the basis of Advaita Philososphy.
In his talk he expounded on the nature of Advaita Phillosophy.  He 
explained how we are not really separate from the infinite but are indeed 
the infinite ourselves!!  This he did this through an analogy about the 
story of a 'Snake & a Rope', which might be familiar to people having an 
exposure to the Advaita School of thought. A person walking along the 
road sees a snake like creature on the ground and jumps abruptly in 
fright.  A closer look tells him that he need not be scared, for what he 
thought to be a poisonous snake, is but a harmless rope.  In the same way 
when we realize the Infinite, we will realize that WE ARE the Infinite 
and the body does not exist. The body is just an illusion.
Swamiji also talked in depth about the significance of the Guru-Shishya 
relationship in realizing the Infinite.  He explained how the original 
teachings get diluted and/or corrupted in due course of time, 
neccessitating the birth of an Avatara.
After his discourse, Swamiji answered a wide range of questions.  Later, 
in conversation, Swamiji mentioned that he was extremely pleased at being 
able to interact with HSC members.  He said, "This is one of the best 
groups that I have ever interacted with".  He was overjoyed at the 
serious and mature queries posed to him by our members.
This meeting is  a part of the on going Gita Self-Study classes held 
every Sunday from 6p.m. to 7p.m. at Georgia-Tech.  As is the norm, about 
30 students attended this meeting.    

Best Wishes,
					                    -- Vinod S. Nair

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