sac-cid-Ananda: CIT
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Subject: sac-cid-Ananda: CIT
From: nparker@crl.com (Nathan Parker)
Date: 11 Apr 1995 09:11:46 -0700
From nparker@crl.com Tue Apr 11 12: 11:37 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
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sac-cid-Ananda: CIT
CIT (knowledge & consciousness):
Bg. 6.20-23, Purport:
The duality of knowledge and knower is not accepted by the
nondualist, but in this verse transcendental pleasure - realised through
transcendental senses - is accepted. And this is corroborated by the
Patanjali Muni, the famous exponent of the yoga syste m. The great sage
declares in his Yoga-sutras: purusartha-sunyanam gunanam pratiprasavah
kaivalyam svarupa-pratistha va citi-sakatir iti.
This cit-sakti, or internal potency, is transcendental.
Purusartha means material religiosity, economic development, sense
gratification and, at the end, the attempt to become one with the Supreme.
This "oneness with the Supreme" is called kaivalyam by the monist. But
according to Patanjali, this kaivalyam is an internal, or transcendental
potency by which the living entity becomes aware of his constitutional
position. In the words of Lord Caitanya, this state of affairs is called
ceto-darpana-marjan am, or clearance of the impure mirror of the mind.
This "clearance" is actually liberation, or bhava-mahadavagni-nirvapanam.
The theory of nirvana - also preliminary - corresponds with this
principle. In the Bhagavatam this is called svarupena vyavasth itih. The
Bhagavad-gita also confirms this situation in this verse.
After nirvana, or material cessation, there is the manifestation
of spiritual activities, or devotional service of the Lord, ;known as
Krsna consciousness. In the words of the Bhagavatam, svarupena
vyavasthitih: this is the "real life of the living entit y." Maya, or
illusion, is the condition of spiritual life contaminated by material
infection. Liberation from this maaterial infection does not mean
destruction of the original eternal position of the living entity.
Patanjali also accepts this by his wor ds kaivalyam svarupa-pratistha va
citi-saktir iti. This citi-saktir, or transcendental pleasure, is real
life. This is confirmed in the Vedanta-sutras as anandamayo bhyasat. This
natural transcendental pleasure is the ultimate goal of yoga and is easily
achieved by execution of devotional service, or bhakti-yoga.
SB 3.21.12, Purport:
The oneness of understanding that the Supreme Lord is fully
spiritual and that in full spiritual realization one can understand what
He is - the Supreme Personality of Godhead - is called kaivalya, or, in
the language of Patanjali, realization of spiritu al power. His proposal
is that when one is freed from material desires and fixed in spiritual
realization of the self and the Superself, that is called cit-sakti. In
full spiritual realization there is a perception of spiritual happiness,
and that happi ness is described in Bhagavad-gita as the supreme
happiness, which is beyond the material senses.
Cc. Madhya Ch. 6 Verse 157
hladini sandhini samvit
tvayy eka sarva-samsraye
hlada-tapa-kari misra
tvayi no guna-varjite
"The Supreme Personality of Godhead is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha. This
means that He originally has three potencies - the pleasure potency, the
potency of eternality and the potency of knowledge. Together these are
called the cit potency, and they are pres ent in full in the Supreme Lord.
For the living entities, who are part and parcel of the Lord, the pleasure
potency in the material world is sometimes displeasing and sometimes
mixed. This is not the case with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
because He is not under the influence of the material energy or its
This is a quotation from the Visnu Purana (1.12.69)
Cc. Madhya, Ch. 6. Verse 158
sac-cid-ananda-maya haya isvara-svarupa
tina amse cic-chakti haya tina rupa
"The Supreme Personality of Godhead in His original form is full of
eternity, knowledge and bliss. The spiritual potency in these three
portions [sat, cit and ananda] assumes three different forms.
According to the verdict of all Vedic literature, the Supreme
Personality of Godehad, the living entity and the illusory energy (this
material world) constitute the subject matter of knowledge. Everyone
should try to understand the relationship between them. Firest of all,
one should try to understand the nature of the Supreme Personality of
Godhead is the sum total of eternity, bliss and knowledge. As stated in
verse 154 (visnu-saktih para prokta), the Supreme Personality of Godhead
is the reservoir of all potencies, and His potencies are all spiritual.
Cc. Antya, 2.98
svarupa kahe, "thathapi mayavada-sravane
cit, brahma, maya, mithya -- ei-matra sune
Svarupa Damodara replied, "Nevertheless, when we hear the Mayavada
philosophy, we hear that Brahman is knowledge and that the universe of
maya is false, but we gain no spiritual understanding."
Note: Translations and Purports of Srimad Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita, and
Caitanya-caritamrita are those of His Divine Grave A.C. Bhaktivedanta
Swami Prabhupada, the founder-acarya of the International Society for
Krishna Consciousness, and are copyrighted by the Bhaktivedanta Book