To: alt-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Surrender
From: mpt@mail.utexas.edu (michael tandy)
Date: 15 Apr 1995 00:11:11 GMT
From news@geraldo.cc.utexas.edu Fri Apr 14 20: 00:27 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas
tasmat tvam uddhavotsrjya codanam prati-codanam
pravrttam ca nivrttam ca srotavyam srutam eva ca /
mam ekam eva saranam atmanam sarva-dehinam
yahi sarvatma-bhavena maya sya hy akutobhayah //
"O Uddhava! therefore, leaving aside all the injunctions and
prohibitions that are enjoined by the Srutis, Smrtis,
and also lessons which you have heard so far, surrender
wholly and solely unto Me, the Moniter of all souls, and that
total self-surrender will free you from all fear."
The following six principles must be observed for culturing
total self-surrender: (1) To act in accordance with the sastric
injunction favoring uninterrupted pure devotional service to
Lord Sri Krsna. (2) To strictly avoid anything detrimental to
that practice. (3) To keep unshakable faith in the protection
of the Lord, in all circumstances. (4) To know the Lord (and no
one or nothing else) as one's only sustenance. (5) Self-resignation
with the conviction that Lord Krsna's will is predominant over all
else. (6) To feel oneself meek and humble, helpless and destitute,
just as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "more tolerant than a tree,
more humble than a blade of grass, ready to show all respect to
others, never expecting honor oneself."