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Re: Dishonesty (was Re: The Bhagavad-Geeta - Chapter 12)

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            God cannot be identified with one name and one form.
            He is all names and all forms.
            All names are His. All forms are His.
            Your name too is His.  You are His forms.
                                     -Sathya Sai Baba

Pai notes those softly spoken words of Sai and, without mocking, opines 
that the quote leads him to `some weird conclusions'. He asks, "If all
forms are His, and all names are His, then why pay so much attention to
the one form and one name?" That's a good question. It goes along the
lines of asking, `well, if science says that meat and vegetables both
supply nourishment, then why eat only vegetarian foods?'

One could address all such questions to a bawdy level, or to an 
intellectual level, or to a spiritual level, or in a combination 
thereof. Since Pai is a student, I conclude his is an intellectual 
question, and so reply in that mode. Still, I could reply by quoting 
scripture, or the commentary of a guru, sage, saint, or so on-- or I 
could reply from my own experience.  I prefer the latter to the former.
Those who prefer otherwise, need read no further.

See, it is a personal matter as to `why' one form or name is chosen 
over all others- it is a matter of individual *preference*. Although 
all sweetlovers love sweets, one may have a preference for one kind of
laddu, another person wants a different form or texture, even though
both consist of the same basic ingredients- sugar, milk, and flour. GOD
is like that, One Basic Being, yet devotees each want His sweetness in
their own preferential particular shape and texture.

That is a kind of sweet childishness, and I find Our Father is happy 
to gift Himself, The Divine Sweet, in whatever way His sincere and 
loving child asks.

>From the rapture of that realization, men sing
Hare Krishna
   Om Namah Sivaya
        In the Name of Jesus Christ
              Allah Akbar
                 Guru Nanak ji ke jai jai kar
                       Shema Israel
                         Om Mani Padme Hum
                            Sangham Sharanam Gachami

 All those sayings affirm the existence and experience of Reality. In all
  those chants detailed above, there is not one iota of difference in
   the Being addressed- and while that may not be quite apparent to the
    chanter, it is so with Him who is addressed. That Divine Presence 
     Graciously manifests in human awareness exactly as the individual 
       depending on culture, personality, and time.

  Should one experience that Presence directly, or even believe that
   possible, one may then choose to afix one particular name or form, or
    formless idea to that Presence. That does not limit Him to that name,
     form or idea.  Should His Grace, and one's effort coalesce, oft times
      the awareness of His Presence begins to be intuited, and experienced
       as truly more than One Name, or any name, but instead as all forms,
        names, ideas, for He is the basis of all name, form, idea.

So, `why pay attention to one name or one form above all others?'

Depending on the time, and mood, would you like a dry laddu, 
or a nice honey dipped gulab jamun as Prasad?  

When one gladly accepts and cherishes * whatever* He gifts, then the
saying of Swami
            He is all names and all forms
will no longer lead to weirdness, but to we're-ness.



Whatever a fine person does, so will others do; people effect behaviour
by example.                                         -Bhagavad Gita 3:21

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