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Re: Discussion: What are Hare Krishnas

betul@astro.ocis.temple.edu (Rajiv Pant ( Betul )) wrote:
>I have some idea about Hare Krishas, but would like to know who exactly
>they are and what do they preach.

The Hare Krishna movement represents the GaudIya Vaishnava movement of
ShrI Chaitanya MahAprabhu, which emphasizes that the best means of
deliverance from the contaminating influence of Kali-yuga is congregational
chanting of names of God, such as

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

We accept shruti and smR^iti, especially the Gita and BhAgavata, which
have been published in numerous languages all over the world.

Hope this is helpful.

Jaya Shri Krishna.
Agrahya Das
(Henry Groover)

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