Re: Who is Sai Baba ????
To: alt-hindu@cis.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Re: Who is Sai Baba ????
From: vivek@cs.rice.edu (Vivek Sadananda Pai)
Date: 22 Aug 1995 19:06:43 GMT
Distribution: world
From news@larry.rice.edu Tue Aug 22 14: 54:23 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: Rice University, Houston, Texas
References: <41d0s6$s7r@babbage.ece.uc.edu>
In article <41d0s6$s7r@babbage.ece.uc.edu>, Lokeswara Rao <lokes@selway.umt.edu> writes:
|> On 18 Aug 1995, Vivek Sadananda Pai wrote:
|> > Realize that many people have existed in history who
|> > had "great powers". I can think of one who could be
|> > neither be killed during the day or night, inside or
|> > outside, by man or by beast. That person was pretty
|> > powerful, but I don't think that anyone called him
|> > an Avatar.
|> Please post based on evidence and truth and rationale and logic.
I did. I mentioned Hiranyakasipu's powers.
|> How can you make such a comparison -- my guess is out of
|> jealousy/envy/hatred? Which all come from ignorence.
I don't recall making a comparison. All I said was that
people in the past who had "great powers" were not necessarily
viewed as avatars, showing that mere power alone does
not mean that one is God. So, you can feel free to stop
your guessing - all I want is some justification for
the original assertion.
|> How is Sai Baba using his powers?
[social service work deleted]
|> and many many more lessons by example.
That's all fine and dandy, but the claim was made that
Sai Baba was the yuga avatar, and I asked for proof.
The claim I have seen on other newsgroups usually rest
on producing ashes, jewels, ladoos, etc. To me, this
isn't conclusive proof at all, and the example of
Hiranyakasipu's powers should show that even really
"awesome" powers do not necessarily mean that someone
is a yuga avatar.
As for the social service work, realize that Mahatma
Gandhi did quite a bit. He freed a nation, restored
a sense of Indian pride, and encouraged self-sufficiency.
In a social sense, he uplifted millions upon millions of
people. However, I don't confuse him for God.