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Re: Sanskrit Gita Chanted

In article <3g42u7$kpt@ucunix.san.uc.edu>,
DonG298599 <dong298599@aol.com> wrote:
>I heard a taped series of lectures on Hinduism.  During the lecture, the
>speaker would reference a passage from the Gita and before translating it
>English, she chanted the Sanskrit text.  It was beautiful.  I was
>wondering if 
>anyone was aware whether there might be a recording of the entire Baghavad
>chanted in Sanskrit (on CD, yet!)?  Thanks for any comments.

I saw a version of the Gita chanted was available on cassette from 
Vedanta Press, (213) 856-0322.  They have an 800 number now, but I 
don't have it with me.  I have not heard them and wasn't familiar with
the person listed as having made them, so I'm not much help there.
Vedanta Press is usually pretty helpful, so you might want to call
them and ask.
		-- goggin@netcom.com

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