On soma in the veda - Part 2 (fwd)
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Subject: On soma in the veda - Part 2 (fwd)
From: CR <cranki1@zeus.towson.edu>
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 14:47:34 -0500
From news@news.umbc.edu Fri Feb 10 15: 06:27 1995
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Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 02:14:19 GMT
From: s. kalyanaraman <s._kalyanaraman@mail.asiandevbank.org>
To: Members of the list <indology@liverpool.ac.uk>
Subject: On soma in the veda - Part 2
Re: Soma in the veda and Indian Alchemy
Author: s._kalyanaraman@ctlmail.asiandevbank.org (until 28 February 1995); 20/7
Warren Road, Mylapore, Madras 600004, India; Tel. 91-44-493-6288; Fax.
Soma is the ONLY PROCESS elaborated in Book 9 of the Rgveda and in a number of
rks in the veda. When put together, the rks mean a perfect
chemical/metallurgical code which is further elaborated in the brahmanas which
constitute elaborate manuals for the process. So far as these rks referring to
SOMA are concerned, they can be viewed as a metallurgical allegory par
It is important to decipher the term SOMA to gain a clearer perspective on the
life-activities of the authors of the rks. The oldest interpreters of the Rks,
Sayana and Yaska are emphatic that the rks have to be understood in the context
of the lingua franca. Yaska emphasizes the allegorical nature of the references
to the gods in many rks in the unparalleled etymological work of great
antiquity: Niruktam. The continuity of the vedic tradition in the brahmanas
(including srauta sutras), in the descriptions of the polity in Kautilya's
Arthasastra, in ancient epigraphs provide a firm basis to unravel the SOMA
PROCESS in a rational, cultural-socio-economic perspective, isolating the
interpretation from religious/ transcendantal overtones.
Indo-European and South Asian etyma provide a substantive foundation to confirm
the decipherment of SOMA as electrum (silver-gold ore/processed product).
Needham observes in his magnum opus, History of Science and Civilization in
China the extraordinary linkage between references to soma and gold in hundreds
of verses from the Satapatha Brahmana (an extraordinary text, extremely
difficult to interpret); when a reference to soma occurs, reference to gold
almost immediately follows. Note the refrains: amrtam aayur hiranyam; hiranya
garbham garbhastham, hemabeejam vibhaavasoh. In the Tamil tradition, vedi-iyal
refers to alchemy (transmutation of material into gold); soma-maNal = sand
containing silver ore (Winslow's and Madras Univ. Tamil lexicons).
Ashaadha-bhuti is a cheat (Tamil); Ashaadha brick has an important role in the
brahmanas which describe the yajnas (cf. agni-rahasya). If soma were any product
of creepers (bhang, ephedra etc.) or even a mushroom or bhang, if subjected to
incessant firings on the vedi, day after day, night after night, it will be
reduced to pure carbon. Asvamedha (performed by Soma-rajnas) can be explained as
use of bones in the reduction/oxidation processes (to sublimate the impurities
in the ore).[This may also explain adequately the bizarre, explicitly sexual but
allegorical references to the queen's role; cf. the role of the queen as a paid
official, in Arthasastra]. So can the use of plant products in the yajna be
explained as the use of kshaara oxidants. In the gypsy tradition, SOMNAKAY means
gold; Old Egyptian ASSEM, ASEMON means electrum; there are also
phonetic/semantic concordant references in Indo-European etyma, for e.g. Carl
LANGUAGES, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1949. Heading 9.64, p.609;
"Lat. aurum (> Romance and Celtic words, also Alb. ar), fr. *AUSOM (Sab. AUSUM,
Festus); OPruss. AUSIS, OLith. AUSAS, Lith. AUKSAS; here also prob. Toch. WAS
'gold' beside WSI 'yellow'; all prob. as 'reddish' fr. *AUS-(WES-) in words for
dawn, Skt. Ushas-etc. The view that the Baltic words were borrowed in very
ancient times fr. Lat. *AUSOM is improbable. Walde-P. 1.27. Ernout-M.94.Walde-H.
[References: Ernout-M. A. Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue latine, 2nd
ed.; Walde-H. Lateinisches etymologisches Worterbuch, 3te Aufl., von
J.B.Hofmann] Of course, Rigveda refers to ayas prob. as
'bronze'; Lat. aes copper, bronze; aurichalcum brass; Rumanian. arama copper.
*AUSOM could be a compounded aes + som? sommu (Telugu) is treasure; Rum.
comoara, fr. Slavic, SCr. komora 'chamber,
treasury', Slov. komora chamber, etc. fr. Latt. camara, camera vault, arch, in
VLat. room, treasure room. Tiktin 396. Berneker 555f. loc. cit. Buck, p. 777.
Almost all epithets attributed to SOMA (such as amsu [: metallic ore protrusions
analagous to shoots of a plant], golden, yellow, shining, resplendent, flowing,
filtering: pavitram; crushing on stones; provenance of soma in mountainous
terrain) can be explained by this metallurgical-allegorical decipherment. Even
the reference to the seller from Mt. Mujavant who is paid and chased away after
taking delivery of the ore product can be explained in the brahmana days
involving the secretive alchemical processes (agni-rahasya; somanala yantra);
these practices continue into the Arthasastra days with an extraordinary role
played by the Adhvaryu in a political nexus within the king's domain. It is not
a mere coincidence that Sulba sutras also have sutras shrouded in
geometrical-allegorical terms: sulba = copper! Katyayana says that his sutras
have their meaning concealed. So too can the reference to maakshika in RV. 119.9
(fly, pyrite ores!) be explained.
A detailed monograph of about 300 pages by the author: Indian Alchemy, Soma in
the Veda provides an exhaustive review of the subject, in the context of the
alchemical traditions of antiquity and re-interpretation of the vedic texts rk,
by rk.