On soma in the veda - Part 1 (fwd)
To: alt-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: On soma in the veda - Part 1 (fwd)
From: CR <cranki1@zeus.towson.edu>
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 14:48:43 -0500
From news@news.umbc.edu Fri Feb 10 14: 39:42 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: University of Maryland, Baltimore County
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Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 02:12:05 GMT
From: s. kalyanaraman <s._kalyanaraman@mail.asiandevbank.org>
To: Members of the list <indology@liverpool.ac.uk>
Subject: On soma in the veda - Part 1
Re: Soma in the veda and Indian alchemy
Let me get to the key issue on which I need your help and suggestions on who
else I can contact. Please feel free to forward this short note to interested
scholars who may be able to throw some more light. I note that there are over
50 decipherments of SOMA, not excluding those that call it bhang, ephedra,
aphrodisiac, mushroom, etc. I have a monograph on the subject (which is being
published in India), which was precised in the late Prof. Debirprasad
Chattopadhyaya's History of Science and Technology in Ancient India, Vol. II.
This has also been translated into Japanese in an alchemical work by Prof.
Tomatsu Sato. This monograph of 300 pages extensively documents archaeological,
literary (veda, brahmanas, arthasaastra and epigraphs) and ancient historical
evidence to support my radical new interpretation that SOMA is electrum.
This is, in my opinion, of fundamental importance in understanding the major
component of the Rks, in fact, the entire Book 9. Without cracking this soma
problem, the entire corpus of Rks lies in the realm of the 'mysterious' or 'in
ruse' to quote the not-so-charitable phrase of Renou. Renou's phrase has to be
interpreted more carefully; the Rks DO NOT try to dodge or deceive or engage in
a wily subterfuge; it is our inability to understand the cryptic code (and the
lingua franca used) that is to be faulted, removed as we are by the sheer
distance in time of not-so-few millennia. BraahmaNas are a different issue. A
larg part of the Rks have been deciphered during this century thanks to many
magnificent translations and concordances published by erudite scholars. Prof.
Subhash Kak goes beyond and searches an astronomical substratum-code.
I am referring to the only PROCESS elaborated in the Rks. with exquisite
precision, like a chemist's code or manual: the process of soma transformation
(or transmutation?)
I located an intriguing etymon in Carl Darling Buck, A DICTIONARY OF SELECTED
Heading 9.64, p.609; I quote:
"Lat. aurum (> Romance and Celtic words, also Alb. ar), fr. *AUSOM (Sab. AUSUM,
Festus); OPruss. AUSIS, OLith. AUSAS, Lith. AUKSAS; here also prob. Toch. WAS
'gold' beside WSI 'yellow'; all prob. as 'reddish' fr. *AUS-(WES-) in words for
dawn, Skt. Ushas-etc. The view that the Baltic words were borrowed in very
ancient times fr. Lat. *AUSOM is improbable. Walde-P. 1.27. Ernout-M.94.Walde-H.
NOW TO THE SEMANTIC PROBLEM: I have noted elsewhere that SOMA, ASSEM (Old
Egyptian acc. to Needham) connoted electrum (silver-gold ore). somnakay (Gypsy)
is gold. [It is notable that gypsies were the common tinkers or smiths or metal
workers; 'tinker' is the common New English name for a Gypsy in Scotland.]
soma-maNal (Tamil) is sand containing silver ore. Can there be a link between
SOMA/ASSEM and *AUSOM? [References: Ernout-M. A. Dictionnaire etymologique de la
langue latine, 2nd ed.; Walde-H. Lateinisches etymologisches Worterbuch, 3te
Aufl., von J.B.Hofmann] Of course, Rigveda refers to ayas prob. as 'bronze';
Lat. aes copper, bronze; aurichalcum brass; Rumanian. arama copper. *AUSOM could
be a compounded aes + som? sommu (Telugu) is treasure; Rum. comoara, fr. Slavic,
SCr. komora 'chamber, treasury', Slov. komora chamber, etc. fr. Latt. camara,
camera vault, arch, in VLat. room, treasure room. Tiktin 396. Berneker 555f.
loc. cit. Buck, p. 777. These semantic expansions are fascinating and, to say
the least, intriguing.
cf. V.A. Smith's work, Coins of Ancient India and A.S. Altekar's Catalogue of
the Gupta
Gold coins in the Bayana Hoard (1821 coins!): In these works, there is
an enumeration of gold coin types; particularly, Kumaragupta (AD
414-55) and Samudragupta (AD 326-75) is reported to have issued a
number of asvamedha type gold coins which vary in size from .75 in. to
.9 in., in weight from 112.5 grains to 119 grains. As you know, in all
vedic ceremonies dakshinas were given by means of gold pellets known
as suvarna which was replaced after coinage was introduced. Is there
anyway, we can unravel the reference to asvamedha in these types of
coins (of course, we are dealing with the historical periods). Rgveda
refers to hiranya 174 times (Atharvaveda has 91 references almost as
as an adjective, golden); other synonyms used are: chandra,
jaataroopa, harita and suvarna. Deities have eyes, tongues and teeth
of gold (RV I.35.8; VI.71.3; V.2.3); Indra, Mitra, Varuna are golden
in hue (RV I.46.10; X.20.9 etc.), driving from golden seats (RV I.22.5
etc.), in golden chariots (RV I.30.16 etc.), wheels and axles all
bright as gold (RV I.64.11 etc.), with golden reins for horses (RV
VIII.22.5 etc.) which had golden manes (RV VIII.32.29) and with golden
ornaments (RV IX.86.43, RV I.122.14, RV VII.56.13 etc.) Gold was
desired (RV VI.47.23, VII.78.9); sun was as gold (RV I.46.10),
Prajaapati was hiranyagarbha (RV X.121.1), soma juice was fountain of
gold (RV IX.78.4); the sacrificial place was golden (RV V.67.2,
IX.64.20); Sindhu is rich in gold (RV X.75.8), it is path of gold (RV
VIII.26.18). How do we interpret Satapatha Brahmana verse
(XIII.1.1.3): "Now, when the horse was immolated, its seed went from
it and became gold; thus, when he gives gold (to the priests) he
supplies the horse with seed"? Satyaasaadha Srautasutra, 7.2 has this
commercial transaction recorded, so do other sutras such as
Baudhaayana, Kaatyaayana etc.: "After having handed over king Soma to
the Soma-seller, the Adhvaryu should ask him: 'O soma-seller, is your
soma available for purchase?' He should reply: 'It is availble for
purchase'. The Adhvaryu should (offer to) purchase it for ten
(objects), (namely) seven cows and the three (objects, that is to
say), gold, a piece of cloth, and a she-goat..." Gold and silver are
intertwined in the adhvaryu's transaction: cf. Bhaaaradhvaaja
srautasutra, 11.1.1-9.3:"...(the adhvaryu should further put down) two
sheets-- (one) of silver and (the other) of gold. They should be
(each) one hundred manas in weight..." Laatyaayana srautasutra
(III.1.9 cited in Agniswami's commentary on Anandachandra
vedaantavaageesa) says that gold was obtained from the ore by
smelting. "Gold is the first offspring of fire..." says a copper plate
inscription of Raja Maha Sudevaraja (J.F.Fleet, Corpus Inscriptionum
Indicarum, Vol. III, p.200, no.41, Pl. XXVII).
s._kalyanaraman@ctlmail.asiandevbank.org FAX. 632-741-7961 Manila, Philippines.
After 1 March 1995: 20/7 Warren Road, Mylapore, Madras 600004, India; Tel.
91-44-493-6288; Fax. 91-44-499-6380