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Re: McDonald's openning chains in India (fwd)

Dr. Jai Maharaj (jai@caprica.com) wrote:
: In article <Cun9ML.BDJ@quotron.com>,
: raghu@jadzia.quotron.com (Raghothama Cauligi) wrote:
: >
: > Meat eating is not prohibited by the Vedas. In fact, there are
: > numerous references to eating meat by all classes. Hindus as a
: > rule, do not eat beef, other than that there is not anything in
: > the religious texts that expressly prohibit consumption of meat.
: > Again, the Hindu religion/culture does not prohibit meat eating.

:      It is time to cite some passages from Ved(ic) and Hindu texts
: to invalidate the above:

Let us not also forget Lord Krishna's words from the Bhagavad Gita!

BG 3.13:

 "The devotees of the Lord are released from all kinds of sins because 
  they eat food which is offered first for sacrifice. Others, who prepare
  food for personal sense enjoyment, verily eat only sin."

In other words, all food should be offered to Lord Krishna prior to
consumption. However, Krishna will not accept many things such as meat, fish,
eggs, alcohol, or other tamasic foods. So basically, the devotee who does
not wish to be affected by the fruits of his eating habits is limited to 
a purely vegetarian diet. 

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