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Re: Christian Invasion

TomH7493 (tomh7493@aol.com) wrote:
: Just as no one could have converted me from Christianity to Hinduism if it
: had not been right for me, Christian Missionaries cannot convert anyone
: else unless the one being converted is in need of it.

This first part i disagree with. Con artists exist in religion just like 
they do in business. I'm not saying that all Christians (or even the 
majority) are con artists, but it does happen. 

: Why do they have to try and convert in the first place??  They have been
: told so many times that they have the only true path that they HAVE to
: help other find it also.  Professional Christions have an enormous EGO.

supported by biblical scriptures, no less.

: In Christianity, there is an old joke about one sect, the Baptists, and
: their EGO.  In heaven, a newcomer was being shown around.  He was told
: "over here in this garden, we have the Catholic, over there, by that lake
: is the Methodists, and so on.  When they came to a high stone wall, with
: no windows or doors, completely bare and ugly, the newcomer asked loudly,
: "Who on Earth lives in this lonely, cold place?"  His guide said "Quiet,
: they are the Baptists and they think that they are the only ones here!!"

Thank you very much for the joke. :) i loved it. :)

: The same goes for the entire population of Religous Professionals.


: Just look at some of the attacks that take place even within this
: newsgroup.

again, agreed.

: DON'T fear the Christians.  At different times people must change from the
: path they were raised in and in other times they will change again.  If I
: had been isolated from other religous ways, I would never have found my
: path.

I understand what you're saying and makes a lot of sense. I fully support 
free speech and that must go for Christian evangelists as well, no matter 
how much i disagree with their ideologies. I *do* see a very real danger 
in some religious groups which are commonly called "cults," however, as 
these groups use unethical means of gaining and keeping members and they 
have done a lot of psychological (and in some cases, physical) damage. 
Some (but by no means all) "cults" are Bible-based and/or Christian.
The most ethical method of combatting cults seems to be education. 

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