Re: A question on Hinduism
Subject: Re: A question on Hinduism
From: enemies@netcom.com (Gauravemies/.nameEnemiesPatricia)
Date: Sun, 25 Dec 1994 04:25:18 GMT
Apparently-To: alt-hindu@uunet.uu.net
From enemies@netcom.com Sat Dec 24 23: 16:04 1994
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest)
References: <3da7mj$4tn@ucunix.san.uc.edu>
traveler98@aol.com (Traveler98) writes:
>I am new to Hinduism and have a question for anybody who can help. What
>is the image of the self in Hinduism? How is a person viewed in his or
>her own mind? If anybody has any information on this question I would be
>very thankful. Please write:
> Thanks again
> Jay
In Hinduism the self is an aspect of, and integral with 'brahman' (the
universal, the eternal, the omnipresent). Tat tvam asi, which means 'Thou
are that' is how a Hindu bridges the dichotomy between the self and the
>Alt.hindu is a moderated group for discussion related to Hindu dharma
>(including, philosophy, religion, culture etc.), Hindu issues, current events
>and announcements. This newsgroup is edited by several people,
>administrative enquiries may be directed to Ajay Shah,