Re: Denigration of Hinduism in Bangladesh (fwd) Denigration of Hinduism i
To: alt-hindu@NL.net
Subject: Re: Denigration of Hinduism in Bangladesh (fwd) Denigration of Hinduism i
Date: Thu, 05 Jan 1995 19:42 MET
Distribution: world
From news@kub.nl Thu Jan 5 13: 32:42 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: Tilburg University / The Netherlands
References: <3eeu3s$qqr@ucunix.san.uc.edu>
Reply-To: CENTERJ@kub.nl
[Stuff Deleted]
Dear Mr Mookherjee,
Let us not talk about Blasphemy about RADHA - Krishna
Afterall it was a story of incest and love . Probably krishna
was a human being ( like Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Chaytanya et al )
I always thought he was a very good politician.
Anyway why bother even if u dont agree with me on this matter.
But Hinduism, is afterall a great religion, it it can survive 1000 yrs
of external domination, surely it can survive the trivialities
and frivolities of the bangladeshi -muslims. It only shows the
shallowness and insecureity of their religion
A banerjee ( bondhopadhya - if u like )