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Re: a Post to alt.hindu Why this Ramakrishna- Vivekananda bashing?

In article <3feif3$ll0@ucunix.san.uc.edu>,
G. R. Vishwanath <vgr@vuse.vanderbilt.edu> wrote:
>When did Ramakrishna *preach* meat-eating?

Well, I just went and looked at a Ramakrishna book in our school library,
looked up the chapter "Food and Drink". Ramakrishna said that a Jnani
can eat _anything_. RK tasted food before offering it to his deity,
he touched flowers with his feet before offering them and so forth.
In other words, he was an offender (see BG 3.13).

RK also said that one could eat beef and pork and still have love of God.
(Note that the cowkiller is especially condemned in standard Vedic
literature, and the Mahabharata says that the meateater will suffer)

>He himself found it virtually impossible to take meat.

RK said he took the "Allah" mantra from a Muslim in order to experiment
with the Islamic path. During that time he ate like a Muslim
(which of course includes meat) and avoided all Hindu temples.
Seems to me like he just "found it virtually impossible" whenever
it was convenient.


-- Vijay

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