Re: Why this Ramakrishna- Vivekananda bashing?
To: alt-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Re: Why this Ramakrishna- Vivekananda bashing?
From: srinivas@Glue.umd.edu (Nagulapalli Srinivas)
Date: 19 Jan 1995 14:26:13 -0500
From srinivas@Glue.umd.edu Thu Jan 19 14: 16:12 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: Project Glue, University of Maryland, College Park
In article 1926, manish@cadence.com writes:
>A public preacher like Ramakrishna _by definition_ preaches by his/her example.
>Since Ramakrishna and Vivekananda both ate meat, it is to be understood
>without any doubt that they preached it, since anyone following them can
>and would say that my teacher did so it must be right.
Good, Ramakrishna and Vivekananda preached by example and not by posting.
They dedicated their lives to serve others and so rightly according to you,
they preached it. Ramakrishna did not take money, so he preached it too.
Vivekananda was selfless in his service without bashing others, but
helping others. So he preached that too. Also Vivekananda ate fish only
to survive, in inclement weather and not to indulge, and so he preached
that too. How come you you do not conclude that he preached to resort to
meat-eating if need be, only for surviving?? Is there any deep conspiracy
in that now???
>Meat eating is an extremely abominable act and counts as one of the great
>fault in anyone esp. one who is aspiring for spiritual advanceent.
Yes, meat eating for the selfish indulgence is that. Not just meat-eating,
but any selfish indulgence, is not spiritual. It is not only what one eats,
but what one does after what one eats that matters. If I eat only vegetables
but after eating, spend all the energy that I got by that, only in proclaiming
how great and compassionate soul I am and how vulgar and cruel my other
friend is who eats meat, what do you think of my intentions??? If my
vegeterian-diet is only to show how great I am and not how I may serve
others, what is so virtuous in not eating meat??
>Read again, a public preacher like Ramakrishna by definition preaches by his/
>her example.
>Only a follower/supporter of such perverted swamis will try to cover their
>hedonistic actions by such wilfully concocted logic.
By calling Ramakrishna and Vivekananda perverted swamis, you are not
reducing an iota of the enormous self-less service and inspiration they imparted
and continue to impart, but only revealing your shallowness of understanding.
They never craved for any fame or adoration from people, but you seem to
suffer from the complex of not getting enough publicity commensurate to the
adoration and reverence that they comand even from distant past.
-Srinivas Nagulapalli