*** The Origins ***
THE ORIGINS based on H.P. Blavatsky's "The Secret Doctrine"
In 1853, the savant known as Erard-Mollien read before the
Institute of France a paper proving the antiquity of the Indian
Zodiac, in the signs of which were found the root and philosophy
of all the most important religious festivals of that country;
the scholar demonstrated that the origin of these religious
ceremonies goes back into the night of time to at least 3,000
BCE. The Zodiac of the Hindus, he demonstrated, was long
anterior to the Zodiac of the Greeks, and differed from it much
in some particulars. In it one sees the Dragon on a tree, at the
foot of which the Virgin, KANYA-DURGA, one of the most ancient
Goddesses, is placed on a Lion dragging after it the solar
vehicle, the RATH. He said:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* This is the reason why this Virgin Durga is not the *
* simple momento of an astronomical fact, but verily the *
* most ancient divinity of the Indian Olympus. She is *
* evidently the same whose return was announced in all *
* the Sibylline books -- the source of the inspiration of *
* Virgil -- an epoch of universal renovation. . . . And *
* why, since the months are still named after this Indian *
* Zodiac, by the Sanskrit-speaking people of India, should *
* that people have abandoned it to take that of the Greeks? *
* Everything proves, on the contrary, that these zodiacal *
* figures were transmitted to the Greeks by the Chaldeans *
* who got them from the Brahmins of India. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
See Recueil de l' Acade'mie des Inscriptions, 1853,
quoted in Des Esprits, Tome iv, page 62.
Also: Histoire l'Astronomie Anciene by J.B.J. Delambre, 1817
Historical View of Hindu Astronomy by John Bentley, 1825
*-=Om Shanti=-* Jai Maharaj Jyotishi,Vedic Astrologer
jai maharaj |_|_|_|_| mantra corporation
jyotishi, vedic astrologer |_| |_| vedic prediction sciences
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