Christian Invasion
Christian Invasion
Recently, by luck, I saw a Christian evangelists on of those T.V.
shows. The topic for the day on the show was about converting Hindus,
although they were more sublime about it. They conveyed the message in
their usual cunning manner. First they talked of how this woman lost her
husband and was eventually unable to earn enough money to by medicine for
two of her sick children, who passed away. Then by some divine
inspiration, so they would have you believe, she saw a film on Jesus
Christ, which was conveniently funded by these converters. She was so
inspired that her life began to turn around and get better. Some would
immediately be impressed by the noble cause of these Christian converters.
Columbus, also, thought his cause of converting the Native Americans or
Red Indians and enslaving the Africans was justified and noble under
Christianity. Magellan, the Spanish explorer, thought he was following
the word of god by destroying the Maya civilization. How many more
cultures and civilizations must be destroyed for the sake Jesus?
If these converters really want to help others than why do they have
to come under a religious banner. If they wanted to help the sick then
they could set up hospitals but instead they preach disharmony through the
words of Jesus Christ.
I am not saying that the original teachings of Jesus Christ or Jesus
himself was bad but his followers have misinterpreted the teachings so
badly that they have hurt more people than they have helped. These
Christian converters think they are so loving and enlightened that they
find problems around the world. If they were truly enlightened and loving
they would find peace where ever they went and if they do find trouble
then they should have faith in the people to solve their problems on their
own. How will a child ever learn to walk if the mother constantly carries
her? By discretely invading another's land and silently creating
disharmony lays the path for more devastation. No wonder Japan was so
reluctant to accept outside help after the earthquake.
If these Christian converters find suffering around the world than
they should be happy that people are looking within themselves. For in
times of suffering we are the most reflective and inward looking and it is
after suffering that we can truly begin the search for truth.
So, for these Christians to come to India and implicate to others
that their way is the just and noble way is the worst form of arrogance.
How rude are they in coming to another's home and creating disharmony.
Clearly history has shown that Christianity has brought more death and
destruction to man kind than any other religion.
The true message of Jesus Christ has been lost due to the
misinterpretations of these Christian converters that has been built up
through the centuries. These days it is the misinterpretations that are
being preached rather than the truth. Since this is the case I beg all
Hindus, Bhuddhists, and Jews in the Indian community to fight and prevent
the further spreading of this destructive disease. VHP, BHP, and Congress
parties please stand strong and ward off this most cunning of adversaries.