Re: A few questions
To: alt-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Re: A few questions
From: dwaite@aladdin.co.uk (Dennis Waite)
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 1995 20:38:35 GMT
From news@alpha.aladdin.co.uk Mon Jul 17 16: 24:44 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: SoNet - The first Internet provider on the south coast
References: <3ti2qk$43c@babbage.ece.uc.edu>
adep@netcom.com (akilesh deperalta) asked about the cycle of rebirth,
karma and the FIRST cycle:
I agree this is particularly difficult one and I, too, would be
interested to read some informed answers. The only explanation I have
heard to date is that the Absolute created this universe for his
enjoyment, in much the same way as we would go to see a play and enjoy
both comic and tragic elements.
Initially, we (the individual embodiments of the one Self), would have
lived in the full awareness of our true nature, i.e. Satchitananda,
complete knowledge, consciousness, bliss - the so-called 'Golden Age'.
Then, for some inexplicable reason, an individual wanted some part of
this for himself. Desire was born, sanskara was accumulated (kriyaman
- building up to act in the future) and then, for that individual,
rebirth was necessary to work out the accumulated Sanskara (now
sanchitta). As long as the layer of ignorance grows, with more and
more sanskara being accumulated through selfish action to cover the
heart, the cycle must continue.
The way out of the cycle is to remove the layers of ignorance until
the truth of the Self is uncovered and samsara is transcended. Michael
Tandy has suggested that we are here to follow the way of the bhakti
(chanting Hare Krshna etc.) but this is one *way* - it is hardly the
same thing as saying that our *purpose* in being here is to chant Hare
Krshna. That does not seem a reasonable suggestion and is unlikely to
be received with credibility by anyone unfamiliar with the faith.
The only thing we can do is to search diligently to discover the truth
through constant observation in the present, shunning all opinions,
beliefs, criticisms, and endeavouring to bring the mind to a permanent
stillness wherein we can rest always in that awareness.
Sounds good in theory doesn't it!
(Incidentally, *all* karma will lead to rebirth. Karma through 'good'
actions may buy you a 'vacation', but eventually, you must return
until you get rid of all the sanskara. God + Desires = Man i.e