avaisnava-mukhodgirnam | putam hari-kathamrtam
Subject: avaisnava-mukhodgirnam | putam hari-kathamrtam
From: aq974@lafn.org (Bon Giovanni)
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 17:46:02 GMT
Apparently-To: alt-hindu@relay1.uu.net
From news@lafn.org Wed Jul 26 13: 36:56 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: The Los Angeles Free-Net
References: Raw Milk
Reply-To: aq974@lafn.org (Bon Giovanni)
Sender: news@lafn.org
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Imbued with this wisdom of equanimity, a man is
freed of both good and evil in this very life.
Therefore attain Mystic Union. Mystic Union is
skill in action.
-Bhagavad Geetaa 2:50
Skill in action aids in understanding scripture, which in turn furthers
wholeness, and this brings one ever closer to Him, ever helps one
experience His Love, ever helps one feel brotherhood with all, which
aids skill in action.
Bumbling blurs the benefit of hallowed text, increases the feeling of
separation, ever strengthens the ego, makes imagination the master of
the intellect, all of which only increases confusion further. Doing so
willfully is like carrying a serpent into the nursery: the slithering
and hiss may prove amusing for a spell, but can prove deadly.
In similar wise, that which increases the feeling of superiority is
like an unseen coiled serpent about to strike. (And the most subtle
coil of all is that one is superior `only in seva, only in humility.')
The attentive pilgrim thus finds that even holy words are sometimes
used to sting like an unseen snake, so it's wise to ever watch one's
step, one's company, and one's gifts.
putam hari-kathamrtam
sravanam naiva kartavyam
sarpocchistam yatha paya
"One should not hear stories about the Lord from
a non-Vaisnava. As milk touched by a serpent
has poisonous effects; similarly, tales about
Him, mouthed by a non-Vaisnava are also
Truly one needs must know the difference between fresh warm milk from
the cow, and "healthy, new improved, with vitamins A, D, and bovine
stimultantsssss- er, MILK!"
When a translation alters the meaning of scripture, the milk is not
only contaminated, but the serpent suckles right from the cow!
Until one can tell the difference between the real and the apparent,
until one knows what is directly from GOD, and what comes from a
middleman, until discernment blossoms into brotherhood, until like Siva
one can be garlanded with the deadliest of vipers and be unscathed,
then perhaps it is better as that verse implies: submit to elders or
traditions which advise which `milk of the word' is pure, which is
rank, and where to step, how to hear, and what to think. As long as
that includes not judging, other than oneself, who is or is not fit to
speak or hear the glories of God, then things should be just fine for
all concerned. After all, the best way to defang a snake is to never
meet one.
Thus, for me, when offered the chance to hear divine stories from a
devotee or an atheissst, from a vaishnava or a non-vaissshnava, the
speaker I choose is that one who shows the skill in action of
broadening the heart, clarifying the intellect, and disempowering bawdy
consciousness. For those who agree, or know how to read between the
lines, Sai Speaks.
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Whatever a fine person does, so will others do; people effect behaviour
by example. -Bhagavad Gita 3:21