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Kashmir - High Time to Oppose the Lies

Dear Netters:
I recently came across some very vicious lies regarding Kashmir on the
"TIME" Bulletin Board.  I am incuding both these messages.  I urge you
to respond to these lies, 'cos such lies left unargued convince the
american population and the senators.

---- Message #1
khan (mnkhan@hsc.usc.edu)
Kashmir, the valley of beautyy has been transformed into the valley 
ofdeath by the leaders of India nad Pakistan. Kashmiris want 
The international community can help end the suffering.

-----message #2
fred ()Mon Jul 24 13:24:26 EDT 1995India is not the world largest 
democracry. Just look what it haas done inKaashmir. Autocratic rule over 
the last five years. Killing, rape andtoture of innocent people. India is 
Please do not respond to either of the people directly.  Put your 
on the Bulletin Board.  The detials of the notice board are given below.

How to post your arguments:

Details of the "TIME" International Bulletin Board.

the site is:

How to post your article:
Respond by using the form provided below or via email to 
(remember to fill in the subject heading as - Re: Kashmir - [whatever 
you find appropriate]  It is very important you follow these directions). 

Note:  This site requires a user name, and password.  This is a free
	service.  You may enroll by going to www.pathfinder.com

	Else, you may send your posting to me at:
	kumar@siu.edu, put the subject as Kashmir
        and I will post them for you.

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