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Srila Prabhupada converts the Christians

 When Srila Prabhupada was visiting Detroit in 1976, he met with two 
clergymen. First he aked them if they believed that God is a person.
 "Yes" they agreed.
 Then he asked, "Aren't we also eternal persons meant to love God?"
 They agreed again.
 "And isn't the only thing separating us from enjoying ecstatic life with God 
 Once again they agreed.
 Like a pouncing lion, Srila Prabhupada challenged, "Then why don't you teach 
people how to lead a sinless life!"
 Srila Prabhupada went on to show that meat-eating, illicit sex, intoxicants, 
and gambling pollute people's consciousness, and that if the clergymen rose 
above these things, others would follow their example. Mundane welfare work or 
political agitation would simply be a waste of time.
 As they left with flower garlands around their necks, packages of Bengali 
sweets in their hands, and Bhagavad-gitas under their arms, one of them turned 
to Srila Prabhupada. "Why, I fell like we've become your disciples."
 Srila Prabhupada chuckled. After they'd gone he quoted a Sanskrit verse which 
confirmed that only a gosvami-- someone who has gained complete control over 
his bodily senses-- can give real spiritual life to his disciples. And we knew 
we had a gosvami for our spiritual master.

               Badarinarayana dasa, _Back to Godhead_ Vol 13, No 9

Copyright, Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. Used with permission.

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