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Re: Upanishads: The Mystics of Vedas!

In article <3qlfvo$2u4@ucunix.san.uc.edu>,
   Ram Chandran <CHANDRA2%ERS.BITNET@VTBIT.CC.VT.EDU> wrote:
>     The last phase of the Vedic revelation established the most significant
>thought process to the philosophy of life through the Upanishads.  The
>Upanishads come after the Veda and therefore the philosophy is known as the

That is not correct. Actually, the Upanishads are from the Vedas. They 
constitute jnana-kaanda portion of the Vedas. The only exception is 
Gitopanishad, the Bhagavad-Gita, which appears in the Mahabharata and is the 
summary of all the philosophy of the Upanishads.


-- HKS

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