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The desire for Self-realization is obscured by
innumerable desires for things other than the Self.
When they have been destroyed by constant attach-
ment to the Self, the Atman clearly manifests
Itself of Its own accord.
-Shankara, Vivekacudamani 275
The Organisations named after me are not to be
used for publicising ny name, or creating a new
cult around my worship. They must try to spread
interest in Japam, Dhynam and other Sadhanas,
which lead man Godward; they must demonstrate the
joy derivable from Bhajan and Namasmarana, the
Santhi that one can draw from Satsangh. They must
render seva to the helpless, the sick, the
distressed, the illiterate and the needy. Their
seva should not be exhibitionistic; it must seek
no reward, not even gratitude or thanks from the
recipients. Seva is Sadhana, not a pastime of the
rich and well-placed. Each one must realise his
own truth. That is the purpose of all the
teaching, all the curing, all the organising, all
the advising that I do.
The blood in the body is the same in all limbs.
But, the eye has a function, which it alone can
execute. The ear has another. Salt which the
tongue will welcome, hurts, when it is put in the
eye. This is the basis of the Varna-ashrama
organization, the specific allotment of duties and
obligations as befits inherited skills and
aptitudes, as well as the prescription of duties
and obligations (Varna) in accordance with the
progress in age and spiritual accomplishment
(Asrama). In order to regulate conduct and limit
emotions and passions, and ensure contentment and
peace, such institutions are necessary; but, they
must be permeated with love and mutual respect.
Develop Love, scatter Love, reap Love. There is
no religion higher than that. That is the noblest
-Sathya Sai Speaks Ch 36, PP158,159
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