Dulce et decorum est...
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\ / Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD of hosts; \ /
\/ The whole earth is full of His Glory. \/
Kodoosh Kodoosh Kodoosh A-doonoy ts'vo-oos
M'loo Hol ho-o-rets k'voo doo.
Blessed be the glory of the Lord that fills the Universe.
Bo-ruH K'vood A-doonoy mim'koo moo
-Morning Service, Rosh Hashanah
No one who has trodden the spiritual path and engaged in the
spiritual process has escaped calumny and cruelty. Mohammed,
who sought to establish the primacy of the One Formless
Absolute, had a large share of persecution, defamation, and
privation. Jesus, who attempted to rebuild mankind on the
foundation of love, was crucified by little men who feared
that their tiny towers of hate and greed might be toppled by
His teaching. Harischandra, who had resolved never to waver
from Truth, was submitted to ordeal after ordeal, each more
terrifying than the previous one.
Those who seek to know God must steel themselves to bear insult,
injury and torture, with a smile.
As you again read the words of Swami quoted here, please recall the
young men who were killed in the late night attempted assassination
of Sri Sathya Sai Baba in June of 1993, and let your blessings, good
will, and love fill the hearts of the families of those five men.
May all beings in all the worlds have peace and happiness.
Sent via Earth Spirit Online - The Environmental Network - Los Angeles, CA
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