Supreme Truth about Aum. Can someone help sort issues?
For those who are new to the post: This is an all-faith grass-roots
effort to rescue our precious symbols from negative publicity, such as
experienced by Aum, Supreme Truth in connection with media's coverage
of the Shoko Asahara cult suspected of sarin poisoning of commuters in
Thank you very much for the mostly positive response to my appeal for
Aum. I encourage everyone to call or write their local newspapers, TV
stations, and Radio stations to educate media on what Aum and Supreme
Truth are all about. If we do not stand for what is right, we have no
right to complain when anyone tramples on our rights. It's like, your
family's jewels are lying on the floor, and people are trampling on
them, and you say nothing. If you do not pick up what is precious to
you, and claim it as yours, and hold it up, it's as good as gone.
Someone conjectured, if Supreme Truth and Aum are so great, why do
they need our help? Good question. I would rather try and save
them, than wonder if they need saving. Just as I would attempt to
save an Olympic swimmer struggling in a swamp apparently drowning.
Perhaps some unusual circumstances have prevented the great swimmer
from staying afloat. It doesn't hurt to go check on someone and give a
helping hand. Maybe his foot got stuck in a grate, or he got tangled
in a quagmire. When I speak of rescuing Aum, it is figurative.
It is not the actual Supreme Truth, or the vibration of Sound of
Creation, that we are attempting to rescue, but the representation of
these for us mortals. These symbols bring us closer to God, and
everything that is valuable, worthwhile, and immortal. Every
religion, faith, and culture has such symbols, and you just have to
look at history to see who died fighting for what. The most precious
thing about Aum and Supreme Truth is that they do not belong to any one
faith, group, time, or people as such, but that they are universal and
timeless. If someone pours toxins in air, they pollute it for
everyone. It is the duty of those who realize what
is being done to stop it at its source, immediately, and with all their
might, so the entire planet does not get polluted.
Those who hold these symbols precious, derive succor, peace, bliss, and
enjoyment from them. While people who want to get their pleasure from
watching horror movies, listening to loud music, or reading trashy
novels are free to do so, those who want superlative pleasures come
across insurmountable obstacles. Seekers of Supreme Truth have to
contend with everyone from politicians to fanatic zealots in their
quest to find Peace. Then someone comes along and seizes the few
precious words they are left with, and starts tossing them around in
the cesspool of stinking garbage on the dubious grounds that someone
suspected of horrifying crimes also went around using the same words.
Now the suspects in this saga never came to the sages asking for their
permission to use the words, they just took them. If they had asked
for permission, they would have been told that the words were to be
used only for the benefit of mankind. Any harmful use would bring in
great sin. But looks like when you are in the cesspool, who cares
for sins! Our reporters seem quite adept at swimming in such filth,
but poor Aum and Supreme Truth, they are suffocating, used to pristine
purity, they are blotched with grime. Wouldn't those who care for
this sacred duo, come rescue them? Just in case they need our help?
Excellent idea to patent/copyright symbols.
Is it too late? Are there implied copyrights? Can a legal expert help
us here?
I will appreciate discussion on the following "quotes" - clips of
" To those who want to hold these symbols precious, are also given
inalienable rights."
Is Supreme Truth one of "the self-evident truths"? Are all truths
included in the category of self-evident truths? Can a truth be
If symbols are granted on the condition that they be used for peaceful
purpose, does a group lose this right when there is sufficient supicion
that that condition was violated? Can our Swamis put forth traditional
conventions regarding use of ancient practices? Can they as a group
revoke use of our names, or condemn unauthorized use?
" Symbols and holy names have an implied inherent copyright/licensing
agreement of fair use for the benefit of human-kind."
"People drinking from one well have un-written, but binding and
enforceable contract on what can be introduced in that well."
"The symbols stand for what is precious to us. It's just like your
flag. Billions died in countless wars defending their flag. How
foolish! Why didn't they give up their old flag, especially when it
got tattered and soiled?"
Please do not defame your faiths or regions by name-calling as it hurts
my heart to see the Supreme Truth of any faith maligned.
In response to some inquiries as to what the post had to do with Punjab
As a native of India, culture of Punjab and the faiths of Punjab are
near and dear to me, as are all the rest of the people, and their
traditions, and faiths. The Supreme Truth of my faith tells me to
honor all beings, it also instructs me to honor all human faiths as
different paths leading to the One Supreme Truth.
One of my Sikh acquaintances declared "Aum IS Supreme Truth!" What
are the great Sikh teachings as the great Sikh Gurus taught us,
regarding Supreme Truth, Ek Onkar (forgive spelling if wrong), Aum, and
Amrit? ( No. I am not interested in anything that would lead to
dis-harmony and discord. ) Did my friend mean to say "Supreme Truth is
Ek Onkar?" Like the Sardarjees I know from our innocent past, this guy
seems to have a big heart. I do not want to hurt his religious feelings
by prodding him too much. One word of discord breaks so many chords!
Can someone tell me what Om and Supreme Truth mean in the Sikh faith?
No need to be offended by any of this, as I mean no offense. And
PLEASE do not call it by something you will be ashamed to admit to your
One explanation regarding postings: I want replies sent to one post,
so that I do not have to go hopping around all over the net. I have
no opinion about multiple postings. You are free to do what you want.
You always were!
Oh yes! I meant to upload some sample letters, but will have to wait
on that until I see there is a real need. In the meanwhile, keep up
the good work! Keep those letters and telephone calls going out.
Follow the Truth in your heart, and we will not go wrong. Aum Tat Sat!