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Re: Any validation for vegetarianism in Hinduism

Hari Krishna Susarla <susarla@owlnet.rice.edu> wrote:

>The Bhagavad-Gita actually contains clear prohibitions against the eating 
>of meat. In verse 3.13, it is stated that we should only eat food that 
>has been offered as prasadam, and to eat any other foodstuff is sinful. 
>>From information in Srimad-Bhagavatam, we know that Krishna accepts 
>different kinds of fruits, vegetables, milk, and butter, but nowhere is 
>He shown accepting meat. In fact, in Gita 9.26 He clearly gives examples 
>of the kinds of things He accepts-- fruits, flowers, leaves, and water. 
>Thus, meat-eating is not supported. Actually, Gita also specifically 
>mentions that meat is tamasa, in the mode of darkness.

And Rama is shown as accepting fish when offered to him by Guha. So eating fish
should be acceptable, correct? 

I am sure if one digs deeper into the scriptures, one can find examples of
various personalities eating meat too.

I feel that the Hindu tendency towards vegetarianism came about as a result of
the interaction with Jainism and Buddhism.


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