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Re: Dvaita and Advaita: A Reconciliation - alt.hindu #2828

Let's analyze Manish Tandon's statement:

> So in the Gaudias, it is only the later asampradayas like Hare Krishnas who

To begin with, define "Hare Krishnas". Here is the definition with
which I am comfortable

"those Vaisnava devotees whose primary devotional practice is chanting
the Hare Krishna maha-mantra and whose primary scripture is Bhagavata

Optionally, it could be added, "and who worship Sri Sri Radha-Krishna
and Caitanya Mahaprabhu."

But I'm willing to let you (re)define the term. According to your
definition, then, please assert rationally why Baladeva Vidyabhusana
[whom you have cited], and his predecessors like Vishwanatha
Cakravarti, Narottam das Thakur, Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami,
Radha-damodar Goswami, Rupa Goswami, Jiva Goswami, Sanatan Goswami,
etc. are not "Hare Krishnas". Explain in what sense the "Hare
Krishnas" are "later," since Mahaprabhu Himself chanted:

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare
Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Now the second part of the analysis deals with apa-sampradayas. The
term is well defined, so there is no need to discuss the meaning. The
analogy is obvious -- "tree:fallen branch :: sampradaya:apa-sampradaya"

So the first question is, when did these "Hare Krishnas" become an
apa-sampradaya, and on what grounds?

The next question is, who has decided that the aforementioned "Hare
Krishnas" are an apa-sampradaya, and on what grounds? The answer is
meaningless unless the person is a recognized acarya in the mainline
sampradaya. For example, Bhaktivinoda Thakur, sometimes considered the
reviver of Gaudiya Vaisnavism in the modern age, counted 13 primary
apa-sampradaya classifications in Bengal during his time, such as
Auls, Bauls, Kartabhajas, Sakhi-bekhis, Gauranga-nagaris.

So, which acarya has declared the "Hare Krishnas" to be an
apasampradaya?  If none has, and it is your own edict, then you must
prove yourself to at least be a recognized devotee (if not an acarya)
in the sampradaya. This is done by stating your unbroken siksha and
diksha parampara lineage, and then you should also prove that your
direct spiritual master has given you some authority to make such

Otherwise, you will be noted as "asampradaya" and therefore having no
qualification to decide who is and who isn't in the sampradaya. I
await your response.



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