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July Issue Now Available!


The July, 1995 issue of Hinduism Today is available online at this
Web site:


The lead stories include:

*  The conference on the Environment help at Windsor Palace in
      London with the Duke of Edinburgh as host and a strong Hindu
*  Pat Robertson's denunciation of Hinduism on TV
*  The Eye magazine of SPIC-MACKAY
*  The story of Pandurang Shastri Athavale
*  Center section on Chidambaram Shiv Temple
*  Stories on Hindu children's book
*  Editorial on stress
*  History of Hinduism in the West
*  Reactions to Hillary Clinton in India
*  Book Reviews
*  Mahasamadhi of Sri Kundrakudi Adigal
*  Nepal's cow-killing issue 
*  A visit to Babaji's Cave in India

For more information about the full-color, international journal
Hinduism Today, please write to:

               Tyagi Arumugaswami <letters@hindu.org>


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