October Conference
The Sri Aurobindo Association in America Presents
A ground breaking Conference
CELLULAR EVOLUTION - The Transformation of the Body
October 11-15, 1995
The Airport Clarion Hotel
San Francisco, California
This conference is the first in the world to focus on phenomena
happening at the cellular level - in matter itself! The gathering
is an extraordinary opportunity to explore the phenomena unfolding
in matter from many perspectives: spiritual, scientific, artistic,
cultural, psychological, medical and mystical.
We are about to embark on a remarkable adventure into the body -
to the very core of cellular consciousness.
Arabinda Basu - Wayne Bloomquist - Ariel Browne - Mary Cristopher
Emilie Conrad Da'oud - Adena DeJoya - Diana Douglas - Stanislav Grof
Beth Hin - Michael Murphy - Theresa Steinberg - Leslie
Bryan Walton and others.
Special Musical Performance by Constance Demby
Registration info: Sue Espinosa, 134 Coleen Street, Livermore CA 94550.
Phone 510-449-1261, FAX 510-449-6907.
Conference and presentation info:
Wayne Bloomquist, Sri Aurobindo Association, 2288 Fulton Street,
Suite 310, Berkeley CA 94704. Phone 510-848-1841, FAX 510-848-8531
For full 11 page emailed brochure contact -
Email: prem@ix.netcom.com (Prem Sobel) or
kennys@netcom.com (Kenny Schachat)