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Re: Age of Hinduism

>       From: Anshuman Pandey <apandey@u.washington.edu>

> If you want to learn about Hinduism, my best advice would be

[list of books]

> make sure that they are not from the

I agree. If you want to learn about Hinduism, definitely make sure that the
books you are reading are not published by ISKCON, as these will invariably
teach you about the Gita and Vedanta, not Hinduism. However, if you want
to learn about the Gita and Vedanta, and not this modern "ism" or that modern
"ism", I suggest that you make sure that the books you are reading are published
by a Vaisnava organization that represents past centuries of Vedic
siddhanta. In English, your best bet is the books of Srila Prabhupada, as published
by the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust.

> Anshuman Pandey
> University of Washington

Hare Krishna.



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