Lectures on Vedic literature
To: alt-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Lectures on Vedic literature
From: nparker@crl.com (Nathan Parker)
Date: 7 Mar 1995 22:37:05 -0800
From nparker@crl.com Wed Mar 8 01: 27:18 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: CRL Dialup Internet Access (415) 705-6060 [Login: guest]
- Atmatattva Tape Ministry -
Lectures on:
Gita, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Puranas, six systems of Vedic philosophy,
four sampradayas, Upanishads, lives of acharyas etc.
Lectures available in English and Tamil.
Also various Bhajana and mantra cassettes, such as Purusha-sukta,
Narayana-sukta, Vishnu-sukta, etc.
For a free catalog of lectures given by Sriman Atmatattva Das Adhikari,
and for a free sample cassette, send your post adress via email to
Please specify English or Tamil language for the sample cassette.