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aham brahmasmi - Revised and Enlarged!

Subject: aham brahmasmi - Revised and Enlarged!
Replying to: <3jr1ml$4e9@ucunix.san.uc.edu>
at: alt.hindu

Pai frequently complains that I am not consistent, and by that I think he
means he finds my posts illogical.

>>The various devas are indeed different individuals, otherwise there would
>>no need for distinguishing among them.

>>Prabhupada did say that Allah, Jehovah, etc were also conceptions of
>>Krishna, but he always said that the Supreme Person was undoubtedly

Is he now saying that Allah is a demigod? Earlier twas said Allah is Raama.

Perhaps he will tell if in his view Siva is a demigod, and so too what about
Jehovah- is the Father of Jesus a demigod according to Pai's consistent



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