Sri Gaura Hari
To: alt-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Sri Gaura Hari
From: nparker@crl.com (Nathan Parker)
Date: 20 Mar 1995 09:39:16 -0800
From nparker@crl.com Mon Mar 20 12: 29:32 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: CRL Dialup Internet Access (415) 705-6060 [Login: guest]
Sri Caitanya, the Ultimate Preceptor, bestows Krishna Prema - All Others
and their teachings are Subservient and Harmonised in Prema Dharma.
That which the Upanisads describe as the nondual Truth is but the
effulgence of His body and the indweller of all souls, known as Paramatma
is but His localised expansion of a plenary portion only. This Gaurahari
is the same Supreme Personality of Godhea d, complete with the six
transcendental opulences. There is no truth higher than Sri Gaurahari. Out
of His causeless mercy He has descended in this age of Kali to bestow,
through His own service, that which has not been bestowed by any other
incarnation f or an inconceivably long time - pure transcendental love for
Sri Gaurahari took two important aspects from the teachings of
each of the four sampradayas to explain, through the Dharma of the
Sankirtana movement, His ultimate panacea of acintya bhedabheda
philosophy. It is very clear that all the preceptors who preached the
various aspects of the Absolute Truth before Sri Caitanya are all
subordinate to Him and their teachings and conclusions are incorporated,
illuminated and brought to a completed state in Sri Gauraharis teaching
of Prema Dharma.
One who chants the name "Sacinandana" in an ecstatic mood is a
truly wise man and is understood to have recieved all the conclusions that
are very dear to Gaurahari. One who sings the name of Sacinandana verily
owns Gaurahari and one who knows Him as the son of Saci and Navadwip to be
the land of Sacinandana, understands all sastras, vedas and vedanta. He
who chants Sacinandana! Sacinandana! Sacinandana! - is qualified to be a
guru and Sri Gaurahari becomes dear to him life after life. (Sri
Gaurahari's own words as quoted by Sri Jiva Goswami).
Jai Sacinandana ki jaya!
"From Madhva I will take two essential teachings; his complete
rejection and defeat of the Mayavadi philosophy and his service to the
deity of Krsna accepting Him as an eternal spiritual personality. From
Ramanuja I will accept two teachings; the concept of devotional service,
unpolluted by karma and jnana, and service to the devotees. From
Visnuswamis teachings I will accept two elements; the sentiment of
exclusive dependence on Krishna and the path of raga-marga or spontaneous
devotion. From Nimbarka, I will take two very important principles; the
necessity of taking shelter of Srimati Radharani and the high esteem of
the gopis love for Krsna."
Sri Caitanya is the incarnation of Krsna and the founder of His
sampradaya. He is also the Guru of all the Adi-gurus of the different
orders of the four sampradayas, who, whether directly initiated by Him or
not, derive their authority from Him. His position in the Gaudiya
sampradaya is unique. He is both the worshipper and the worshipped. He is
the object (Visaya) of Bhakti as well as its subject (Asraya). The Object
(Bhagavan) becomes the subject (Bhakta) to show to the Jivas of Kali the
path of Bhakti , and, thus paves the way for their redemption.
Just as the Avatari, or the source of the Avataras, includes all
other Avataras, the Sampradaya founded by the Avatari Purusa Sri Caitanya
includes all other Sampradayas. It cannot be regarded as the branch of any
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhus affiliation with the Madhva Sampradaya
is that of formality in veiw of the doctrinal differences between them.
Sri Caitanya took initiation from Isvara Puri who was the disciple of
Madhavendra Puri coming in the Madhva line. Although there are
differences in the doctrines of Madhva and Sri Caitanya there are as many
similarities. Therefore, it is proper to describe the relation between the
Gaudiya-sampradaya and the Madhva-sampradaya as that of
identity-in-difference (bhedabheda ) - identity in respect of their
Guru-parampara and difference in respect of their doctrines.
Text 35
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhus movement especially aims at defeating
the Mayavada conclusion about the Absolute Truth. Since the memebers of
the Mayavada school cannot understand the spiritual form of the Lord, they
incorrectly think the Lords form is also made of material energy. They
think that He is covered by a material body just like other living beings.
Due to this offensive understanding, they cannot recognize that Sri
Krsnas personal form is transcendental, not material. Their conclusion
is a g reat offense at the lotus feet of the Lord. As explained by Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Krsna has His eternal, blissful form that is full
of knowledge, and all Vaisnava acaryas accept this. That is the proper
understanding of the Absolute Truth.
C.C. MAD 9.42
tarkika-mimamsaka, yata mayavadi-gana
sankhya, patanjala, smrti, purana, agama
There are many kinds of philosophers. Some are logicians who
follow Gautama or Kanada. Some follow the mimamsa philosophy of Jaimini.
Some follow the Mayavada philosophy of Sankaracarya, and others follow
Kapilas sankhya philosophy or the mystic yoga system of Patanjali. Some
follow the smrti-sastra composed of twenty religious scriptures, and
others follow the Puranas and the tantra-sastra. In this way there are
many different types of philosophers.
C.C. MAD 9.43
nija-nija-sastrodgrahe sabai pracanda
sarva mata dusi prabhu kare khanda khanda
All of these adherents of various scriptures were ready to present
the conclusions of their respective scriptures, but Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu broke all their opinions to pieces and established His own cult
of bhakti based on the Vedas, Vedanta, the Brahma-sutra and the philosophy
of acintya-bhedabheda-tattva.
Lord Caitanya instructed the mass of people in the sankhya
philosophy of acintya-bhedabheda-tattva, which maintains that the Supreme
Lord is simultaneously one with and different from His creation. Lord
Caitanya taught this philosophy through the chanting of the holy name of
the Lord. He taught that the holy name of the Lord is the sound
incarnation of the Lord and that since he Lord is the absolute whole,
there is no difference between His holy name and His transcendental form.
Thus by chanting the h oly name of the Lord one can directly associate
with the Supreme Lord by sound vibration. As one practices this sound
vibration, he passes through three stages of development: the offensive
stage, the clearing stage and the transcendental stage. In the offensive
stage one may desire all kinds of material happiness, but in the second
stage one becomes clear of all material contamination. When one is
situated on the transcendental stage, he attains the most coveted position
- the stage of loving God. L ord Caitanya taught that this is the highest
stage of perfection for human beings.
- Atmatattva Tape Ministry -
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