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Vedanta (1 of 4)

The biggest asset of a lier is his ability to lie but that's what gets him in 
the end. 

namo om vishnu padaya krishna prasthaya bhu tale
srimate bhaktivedanta swamin iti namine

om ajnana timirandhasya jnananjana salakaya
caksur unmilitan yena tasmai sri- gurave namah 

		om brahman satyam jagan mithya 

		Brahman alone is - Ekameva Adviteeyam Brahma 

The advaita-vadins say: 

viShaya: advaita ackwnolodges Jeevan Mukti. The perception of "I" is due to 
	 ahankara/ignorance and after liberation, there is no more I, for that 
	 One aloe is. 

To that we reply: 

samSaya: But mukti means end of bondage and since you say "I" is due to 
	 ahankara/ignorance which means after mukti, there should be no more 
	 I since that would render mukti meaningless, i.e. if ignorance still 
	 remains than liberation from what?  

	 Afterall, the fact that the existence of the self is axiomatic has 
	 been accepted in all quarters although the definition of what self is 
	 varies within different schools like Biology, Physics, Metaphysics, 
	 Vedanta, Buddhism, etc. Even to say that self does not exist, you 
	 have to exist that it does. Also as a minimum, the definition of 
	 self refers to the body. 

	 Now when you talk of Jeevan mukti, that inherently implies the 
	 continuation of the gross body, i.e. life. So such a Jeevan mukt 
	 person should able to say "I" do not exist since Brahman alone is, 
	 but that is not possible because that violates the axiom and an axiom 
	 cannot be violated by definition otherwise it won't be an axiom. 

	 Also, you may say, well that liberated person would not say that he 
	 doesn't exist rather he would say, "Brahman alone is and it is all 
	 pervading". But that is just a roundabout way of saying "I am not" 
	 since alone by definition requires that nothing else be. 

	 So the duality remains. 

The advaita-vadins say:

viShaya: That realized person would has transcended the very thought of I or 
	 not I after attaining Jeevan mukti. 

To that we reply: 

samSaya: But that doesn't change the situation one bit. When someasks that 
	 realized person, a question who would it be the one that will answer? 
	 Obviously it will be him, so he exists, but existence (ego) is due to 
	 ignorance so that means he is not liberated. You may say that he has 
	 become Brahman but that is contridictory to the sruti which says 
	 Brahman is eternally unchanging so no question of someone becoming 

	 So the duality remains after mukti. 

	 That means either duality must be true (eternally) or mukti must not 
	 happen until death rather Jevan mukti should only imply the feeling 
	 of liberation not real liberation. But that does not make sense 
	 because if it is only a feeling within a still bound person, it can 
	 be lost in this very lifetime since feelings exist in the mind. 

The advaita-vadins say:

viShaya: You are trying to analyse that which can only be realized hence you 
	 see the contridiction. 

To that we reply: 

samSaya: Not so. If we grant you that it would mean that such a liberated 
	 person (since he is free from ignorance) should not respond to 
	 an ignorant persons act. So if an ignorant person sees him and hurl 
	 a stone at him, it should not hurt him nor shoulh he run away. But 
	 he would. You may say well you see him running because you are still 
	 under illusion. But that is not true because if the stone is to hit 
	 him, blood may come out and remain there even after he leaves that 

	 You may say that blood is also an illusion, but than the question 
	 comes if all you see is illusion and a liberated person doesn't sees 
	 or feels than there is acommunication gap there, i.e. a person 
	 under 	ignorance would never be able to communicate with a 
	 realized person so who would guide the ignorant? 

	 Also how would one distinguish between a Jeevan mukta and a person 
	 under inorance? It would be utter chaos. The liberated would not 
	 see what the unliberated would and the unliberated would not 
	 comprehend the liberated. So there would be no guru and disciple. 

	 Anyone would cliam himself a Jeevan mukta just by saying that he is 
	 not seeing what others are and so the fool will lead the fools, where 
	 do the yall go?  What will happen to dharma? 

	 Save for chance there would be no more order. 

The advaita-vadins say:

viShaya: Well the liberated would see what the unliberated see and still not 
	 see that. 

To that we reply: 

samSaya: But that is receprocally contridictory because you cannot see and 
	 not see simultaneously.  
	 Also the unliberated sees because the mind creates the image and the 
	 mind itself is the cause of illusion so if the liberated is seeing 
	 implies his mind is still active and since mind is very strong he 
	 can still fall back. So the liberated can become unliberated. 

	 What good is such liberation? 

	 And not to forget that advaita says brahman alone is that implicitly 
	 says that "I" am not so in this false world (jagan mithya) of false 
	 people, what is to be liberated???  

	 There is no question of liberation of illusion from illusion. 

	 What a foolish theroy!! 


Epilogue: advaita cannot explain Jeevan-mukti and so the claim made by the 
	  advaita-vadins about their philosophy being all inclusive is not 
	  true because sruti does refers to Jeevan mukti. 

	  The advaitans should give up their ahankara and recognize the 
	  existence of the jivatmas of the nature of Brahman for that is 
	  their cause and hence they are to serve that. 

	  Realizing one's real position is real mukti from liberation. 

	  Vedas clearly mentions four types of liberation 

		salokya - living in the abode of Lord 
		samipya - living in the proximity of Lord 
		sarupya - living with a form identical with Lord 
		sayujya - merging in the body of Lord 

	  Atleast the first 3 are all contridictory to the adviatic idea of 
	  Brahman alone is because the liberated can not exist seperately if 
	  One alone is.  

	    Thus ends Part 1 of Shankaracharya's puppet show. 

	*** Om namo bhagvate vasudevaya - janmady asya yatah *** 

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