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Vedanta (2 of 4)

namo om vishnu padaya krishna prasthaya bhu tale
srimate bhaktivedanta swamin iti namine

om ajnana timirandhasya jnananjana salakaya
caksur unmilitan yena tasmai sri- gurave namah 

                om brahman satyam jagan mithya

		Brahman alone is (formless and unmanifested) 

The advaita-vadins say:

viShaya: The bangle, the ring, and the gold itself, its all gold! 
	 Shankaracharya explained this in the Swarna Gita  

To this we reply: 

samSaya: One this is a bad example because jivas have life whereas gold/bangle 
	 ect. is all dead matter. The existence of -self- is axiomatic but 
	 the existence of neither gold nor bangle nor ring is axiomatic. Even 
	 to prove that the self does not exist, you have to accept that it 
	 exists which is not the case with gold or bangle. You can actually 
	 chemically and physically destroy gold and then prove that is does 
	 not exist. 

	 For this reason, any conclusion drawn from a deam matter analysis is 
	 less than ideal for living beings. 

	 Two, gold isn't any -one- thing as Shankara is trying to make you 
	 believe. Gold is made up of gold atoms, each of which is a 
	 fundamental unit of the metal gold and is individual. Just like two 
	 pencils when put together don't become -one Pencil- gold atoms 
	 don't combine together to form and -one- thing either. It is only 
	 because of our limited visionary senses that we cannot see individual 
	 atoms that we use the proper noun Gold to refer to a lump of 
	 gold as gold and not golds. In reality it is no different that a 
	 set of pencils or stack of papers so the analogy collapses !!! 

	 But, let us give the benefit of doubt to Shankara because chemistry 
	 and physics wasn't very advance then so the poor guy couls have made 
	 better choice otherwise. 

	 Looking a little closer, even the gold atoms aren't a fundamental 
	 unit either, they themselves are composed of sub-atomic particles. 

	 Now these subatomic particles are themselves nothing but a 
	 transformation of energy.  

	 So there is no One unit of matter out there that Shankara's analogy 
	 would fit in, hence it is useless. 

The advaita-vadins say:

viShaya: Well it is the underlying energy (matter <=> energy) that is the One 

To this we reply:

samSaya: No. There is the positive energy (matter <=> energy) as defined in 
	 classical physics and negative energy - gravity per the theory of 
	 relativity and the two are fundamentally different.  

	 So there are again two. 

The advaita-vadins say:

viShaya: The positive and negative energy is really all one. 

To this we reply:

samSaya: No. 0 = (+1) + (-1) is the latest theory in this regard. 
	 so you are now reduced to sunyata and if you want to use that as an 
	 argument for oneness than you are yourself equating mayavad to 		 soonyavad, which we said in the very beginning that your theory is 
	 prachanna buddha.  

	 Moreover, why would "0" split into +X and -X ? 
	 Since 0 implies "literally nothing" there must be an external cause 
	 for creating something out of nothing. 

	 And not to forget that this whole idea of +ve and -ve energy 
	 cancelling each other is just a theory put forward by the atheistic 
	 physicists and there is no experimental verification for that. Also 
	 it would really require measuring the absolute mass and positive 
	 energy (heat etc.) and the total gravitational energy in the 
	 Universe to see if they equal, something which is even theoritically 
	 quite impossible! 

	 Besides, this only tells about matter/energy, not the living beings 
	 who are conscious and hence lie outside of the realms of QM, ToR etc. 

	 Again there is two. 

The advaita-vadins say:

viShaya: Well there is Brahman that causes 0 to appear as many. 

To this we reply:

samSaya: Not so. The argument leaves out the living entities, because if it 
	 causes 0 to appear as many, who does it causes this to appear to? 
	 And how are those that see it as many themselves come into being? 

	 "Absolutely no human reason...can hope to understand the production 
	  of even a blade of grass by mere mechanical causes. That crude matter 
	  should have originally formed itself according to mechanical laws, 
	  that life should have sprung from the nature of what is lifeless, 
	  that matter should have been able to dispose itself into the form of 
	  a self-maintaining purpose - is contrary to reason." 
				-Emanuel Kant, Critique of Judgement   

	 Even scientists accept their vulnerability when it comes to the "why" 
	 question, i.e. why did it all came into being. 

	 "The why question [why the Big Bang happened i.e. how/why initial
	  conditions manifested] is for the theologians and philosophers to
	  answer ... For a scientist, it is like he reaches to the top of a 
	  mountain only to find that the theologians have been waiting there 
	  for ever with stones [the why question] in their hands for him. What 
	  happened before time t=0 is beyond the limits of science to tell." 
				-George Smoot, Wrinkles In Time. 
				 [the much talked about book on COBE results]

	 The bottomline is that no example dealing with matter/space/energy 
	 can be used to justify one-ness as concocted by Shankara.  

	 The only possibility is to then accept the existence of jivatmas/ 
	 atmans as eternal concsious living beings (nityo nityanam cetanas 

The advaita-vadins say:

viShaya: Well all that just proves that Oneness is incomprehensible and can 
	 only be realized not understood. 

To this we reply:

samSaya: Not so. (1) Incomprehensible to whom? that implies two again. 
	 (2) Since advaita-vadins say self is just illusion, trying to prove 
	 something is incomprehensible to what is illusory is like running in 

	 Also, understanding and realization only pertains to different levels 
	 of awareness/consciousness, example I understand you are present and 
	 I realize your presence. 

	 And finally, for a realization, three things must be present: 

	 1. The realizee 
	 2. That which is to be realized 
	 3. The realization itself 

	 So again there are many, not one! 

The advaita-vadins say:

viShaya: Well after realization, the realized, the realization and that which 
	 is realized all becomes one. 

To this we reply:

samSaya: ouch! How would you know that the realization has occured? Since no 
	 realized person would than exist, how would and who would lead the 

	 This also implies that all that has been said by all the acharyas 
	 must be wrong because they must all have been unrealized (save for 
	 chance) since the realized cannot exist seperately. 

The advaita-vadins say:

viShaya: Well, the unrealized can see a person getting realized (if he doesn't 
	 returns) and follow suite. 

To this we reply:

samSaya: A person jumps into the ocean and drowns and another thinks since he 
	 didn't return, he must have realized. The unrealized making decisions 
	 about the realized, that is contrary to reason. 

The advaita-vadins say:

viShaya: Sruti is the teacher! 

To this we reply:

samSaya: Not all by itself, if it were, we wouldn't be arguing here over the 

The advaita-vadins say:

viShaya: There are many paths. All roads lead to Rome! 

To this we reply:

samSaya: That is very unscientific. There are interpretations that are 
	 fundamentally different and even mutually exclusive. 

The advaita-vadins say:

viShaya: Why are you debating about the incomprehensible? 

To this we reply:

samSaya: athato brahmn-jijnasa. 

The advaita-vadins say:

viShaya: tat tvam asi! 

To this we reply:

samSaya: aaagggghhhhhhhhh  Back to square one !!! 

	 Anyways, this point onwards was elaborately analyzed by Jhanava-Nitai 
	 das so I am not going to repeat that. 

	 Also, I wrote on "tat tvam asi" in the light of acintya bheda-abheda 
	 and can forward a copy to anyone who wants it. 


Epilogue: The swarnagita of jagadguru bhagavan adi Shankaracharya deserves a 
	  place in the trash can for it draws conclusions from dead matter 
	  (which is not true either anyways because there is no one Au out 
	  there) and applies them on conscious living beings (jivas). 

	  We reject it on the grounds of its absurdity and technical fallacies.

	  The advaitans if they really want to be Brahma-vadi's should follow 
	  liberated personalities like Sanat Kumara or Sukadev Goswami who 
	  have raisen beyond the limited realm of Saguna and Nirguna Brahman 
	  and not mayavadi's like Shankara who say the world is false or that 
	  Isvara is saguna Brahman thus cast their own concoted theories on 
	  the sruti. 

	    Thus ends Part 2 of Shankaracharya's puppet show. 

	*** Om namo bhagvate vasudevaya - janmady asya yatah ***  

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