The symbolism of om ,Hindu Dharma and Philosophical Discussions.
Joseph Campel in his book "Power of Myth" has described the significance
of "AUM" in several pages. A discussion on "Power of Myth" also was
televised in Public Television couple of years back. Copies of the video
are also available in public libraries ( A seven part series).
Dr Campell says the sound "OM" actually comes without the movement of lips
and actually orginates within the "self." Next time, when we say "OM" notice
that the lips never closes while making the noise. No noise can be made
without lips movement except "Om!"
The sound of "Om" is divine because of the following reasons:
(1) The sound of "Om" comes from within.( body sound requires the
movement of body parts such as lips, hands, legs, etc!)
(2) During "om" recitation, the mind is also standstill! ( Next time, try
to think while reciting "OM." If you do, there will be no sound!)
During the recitation, the "BODY, MIND AND INTELLECT" are quiet and
we experience the "realization of self" for that duration. For Dualists
recitation of "Om" represents complete surrender to the "Lord" and
no such surrender is meaningful without controlling "body, mind and
intellect." The symbolism in Hindu Religion is a powerful technique to
communicate difficult concepts in simple language. But there is always
a possiblity for misunderstanding because we refuse to appreciate
our culture and religion. There is always unity in diversity and it is
up to us appreciate this fundamental "Truth."
I am disturbed (so many of my friends have also expressed the same)
that while discussing philosophies such as Dwaita, Advaita,
visistadwaita or suddhadwaita why don't we follow our "Hindu Tradition"
of tolerence, kindness and consideration to others believes and values.
We all have different faiths and beliefs and still we could coexist and
and respect other faiths and beliefs if we control our body, mind and
Let us remember to follow our "Dharma" an important message from
Lord Krishna (Bhagawad Geeta starts with the word "Dharmaksetre"
a reminder for all of us to follow).
Dharma, a sanskrit word, means duty or pursuit of social and
personal ideals of behavior. Its literal meaning is "that which
sustains." Every thing that goes with the natural order or state of
things is dharma. The dharma of fire is to heat, dharma of a flower
is to bloom and dharma of a human is "be happy."
Quotation starts from here:
". . . Now this idea of Dharma - this knowledge that " right
" and " wrong" are relative and changeable, instead of
absolute and fixed, does not give anyone an excuse for doing
anything "bad" or "wrong" that he would not have done under the old
idea. On the contrary, Dharma holds one up to his highest conception
of "right", and expects him to do what seems "right" for rights
sake, and not because the law compels him to do so - it expects
right-action from him, even though the law has not as yet reached so
high a stage. It teaches him thatif he sees a thing to be "wrong,"
it is wrong for him even though the law and public opinion have
not yet reached so high a standard of ethics. The advanced man
will always be a little ahead of the average conception -- never
behind it...
. . . And another rule of Dharma is to refrain from
criticizing or condemning the Dharma of another man less
developed than yourself. He is not looking through your eyes. He
may be living nearer to his spiritual ideal than your are to yours --
how dare you judge him? Are you so near perfect that you set
your standard up as absolute? . . . Quotation ends.
Yogi Ramacharaka, "Advance Course in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental
The second paragraph of this definition is the most relevant one for
us to "avoid conflict" and bring unity through respectful discussion.
Now that we have forum to express our ideas: Let us use it without
hurting any body's feelings. There is a beautiful poem in tamil
written by Thiruvalluvar about usage of words: Plenty of sweet and
kind words are available in the dictionary. Why not use them instead
of "dirty and hurtful" words. When ripened and unripened fruits are
available, wise will only choose the ripened!
It is an established scientific fact, to show a smiling face, we need to
activate fewer muscles than to show a grouchy face! Don't want to set up
an example for our children?
Let me thank "alt.hindu" group for giving me the opportunity to express
my view points. I was able to read some excellent articles in the
archive and very few discussions were out of line. My comments
are only directed to their discussions (not to them).
" Have a Good Day "
"Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path
whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect. Truth, being limitless,
unconditioned, unapproachable by any path whatsoever, cannot be
organized; nor should any organisation be formed to lead or to
coerce people along any particular path." J. Krishnamoorthy
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