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The Kashmiri Hindus and the Indian intellectual response to their plight

The following article is an excerpt from a speech given by Dr. A.K. Raina
at the recently concluded World Kashmiri Pandit Conference in New Delhi.

                              (Dr. A.K. Raina)

        It is the tragedy of our times that human suffering is weighed on
        ideological scales. Men are condemned or glorified, not  by  what
        they do or what they bequeath, but by the vociferousness of their
        supporters. Murder is permissible, in fact  laudable,  if  enough
        supporters  can  be found in the streets and coffee houses. There
        are men who justify Pol Pot as there are those who still use Nazi
        salute. The classic case of the Soviet Union is now open and sub-
        ject to public audit. Men pleaded for the appeasement of  Stalin,
        like  they  had  done  for the appeasement of Hitler earlier. The
        system was held out as the one of great future without  decadence
        caused by affluence as in the West.

        We, in India, have been blessed with more than a  fair  share  of
        this  crowd,  and  we have been paying the price for manufactured
        truths and crafted histories almost whole of this century.

        Nowhere has this influence been more sinister than in the debates
        on  Kashmir. Theories about its people, its history, its culture,
        its sufism, its secularism, its equalitarianism and its innocence
        have  been peddled and popularized that had next to nothing to do
        with fact, truth or reality.

        It is not important that George Fernandes says that  3%  Kashmiri
        Pandits  occupied 80-90% jobs (he would have become even more po-
        pular had he added, "the rest the Ladakhi Buddhists")- he is sim-
        ply ignorant- but the fact that none in the same august gathering
        challenged the data or asked him to substantiate is terrible, for
        many  sitting there knew it was false. Similarly when Balraj Puri
        asserts that even the Hindus did not want to be in  India  nobody
        challenged him. When he pontificates on the Nand Rishi led Islam-
        ization of Kashmiri, he is patently wrong and one step  ahead  of
        the JKLF propaganda regarding secular basis of terror.

        Such kind of intellectuals said nothing about  Sheikh  Abdullah's
        assertion  of  the unique identity of the Kashmiri nation and his
        resisting encroachment s on his  so-called  Kashmiriat;  but  the
        Praja  Parishad  Movement in Jammu in favour of complete integra-
        tion with India was condemned as fascist, anti national and  com-
        munalist.  That the giant of secularism was displaying his human-
        ism when he offered persecuted Kazakh muslims of China (Kashmiri-
        yat!)  settlement  in the valley, but refused ever since 1948 the
        hindu refugees, who had run away from the mayhem in POK,  settle-
        ment,  place  or  citezenship  even though they were bonafide ci-
        tizens of the erstwhile state.

        Many intellectual wonders condemn Nehru, for mistakes he made and
        did  not  make,  but  most  have  gone along with a fake image of
        Sheikh, an image engineered by deception. A terrible  consequence
        of  keeping this image fresh and this argument against two nation
        theory valid in perpetuity has been the  marginalization  of  all
        regions  of  J  &  K,  all its people, barring the valley and its
        muslim population. Thus J & K has been  successfully  reduced  to
        16%  of  its  size,  occupied  by  the  valley, and 40-45% of its
        muslims that reside in this 30 x 70 km area (which is 16% of  the
        state).  Their  identity  is what must be protected, and the rest
        can be ignored, if accidently they come into  notice  ever.  Gen-
        erally they do not even get noticed.

        But the ignorance, or feigned ignorance, is  the  worse  when  it
        comes  to plebiscite. Nehru gave the commitment to Sheikh and the
        people of the state at the time of accession, which  for  curious
        reasons,  and  possibly to make Sheikh feel important, he got en-
        dorsed by him. It was here, in reply to the covering  letter  ac-
        companying the instrument of accession that Mountbatten, replying
        on behalf of India committed India to a referendum  after  acces-
        sion,  once law and order was restored and the state freed of the
        invader. The state was never freed of the  invader  and  the  re-
        ferendum  never held; Jammu and Ladakh anyway didn't want it, nor
        would the Kashmiri Pandits. The UN resolutions, in a sense,  sim-
        ply  reaffairms  this in its totality and in some details. Yet it
        is always made out to be a solemn promise given only to  Kashmiri
        muslims  who  are simultaneously glorified as having chosen secu-
        larism by coming to India.

        We should have gone for plebiscite anyway, moralists moralise. "A
        people who have a distinct language, culture and religion and who
        constitute an overwhelming majority in Kashmir valley  cannot  be
        retained in India by force and against their will for an indefin-
        ite period," asserts Tarkunde.  Note how the  state  becomes  the
        valley;  how  the  concern  gets limited only to its chosen. What
        about Kashmiri Pandits who qualify on all these  counts  for  the
        same treatment. But they don't count.

        Furthermore, the same worthies argue simultaneously  for  Article
        370 as well as self-determination. Article 370 is part of the In-
        dian Constitution  and  cannot  apply  to  anyone  seeking  self-
        determination, which is tearing oneself apart from that very con-
        stitution. You can have one or the other, but  not  both  as  the
        Sheikh  wanted  and  as his fan club desired. "1977 was the first
        and only free election held in Kashmir", we are told. May one ask
        how  many  Shias  voted  then and how many of their men and women
        were attacked. And Kashmiri Pandits? But these  are  inconvenient
        statistics:  How many recall the frenzy created during those days
        about Sheikh's last days and terminal illness.

        And now the Sheikh's mausoleum has to be protected by  an  Indian
        Army  batallion  to  protect  it from the very people whom he had

        Everyone has an opinion on Kashmir. The more you abuse the Indian
        state, the more invitations you receive for international confer-
        ences. It is not for nothing that most references  in  the  world
        media  that are used to castigate the nation and its policies are
        supplied by our own intellectuals, who know when to stay  silent.
        The  studied  silence on the issue of persecution of the Kashmiri
        Pandits betrays warps of their mind and intellect.  Compelled  at
        times  to comment on it, most take the easiest route of castigat-
        ing the whipping boy Jagmohan, or, if they are a  cut  above,  of
        condemning  the  Kashmiri  Pandit  community itself. Jagmohan was
        doomed before he left Delhi for Jammu. No one, of  course,  dares
        to  question  Mr. Jagmohan's facts. But abuse and innuendo he has
        received in plenty, enough to silence a generation.   The  Rambo,
        that he is painted, went and started shooting to make the muslims
        cower in fear. He bribed Kashmiri Pandits to  emigrate.  But  the
        so-called  intellectuals very conveniently brush under the carpet
        the murder of KP leaders, holy men, scholars and  poets.  Not  at
        all do they mention the newspaper advertisements threatening this
        miniscule, helpless  minority  with  dire  consequences  if  they
        stayed  longer than 48 hours. They forget what the mosques blared
        out day and night and forget  the  desecration  of  the  temples.
        Tragic  is  the fact that one hardly meets a Kashmiri muslim bur-
        dened with this guilt; our intellectuals have  greatly  succeeded
        in his moral cleansing and aided ethnic cleansing of the Kashmiri

        It is most important, therefore, that we conserve our energies so
        that  our little community, which has been a victim of Jehad ter-
        ror and the intellectual bankruptcy of this nation, gets all  the
        strength  at  our  disposal.   Let  them  who  will,  talk  about
        apartheid in Africa, cleansing in Bosnia and oppression in  Kash-
        mir. Contrairiwise, let other wise men defend or castigate Indian
        policy and security in the vale. Both sides  have,  more-or-less,
        given  us up as a small sine qua non of settlement of Kashmir is-
        sue sans its original beings.

        We are not the only ones to suffer; Dogras and Ladakhis have also
        suffered the same doublethink and doublestandard. Yet, there is a
        difference- a critical one, that seperates life from  death,  ex-
        istence  from  atomization-  we  aren't  where  our homes are. We
        aren't refugees either entitled to the largesse  of  UNHCR,  that
        was  reserved  for  the  Afghans  in  Delhi,  we  are simply non-
        descript, like those brothers who ran away from POK in  the  wake
        of the 1947 bloodshed. A crowd that is not a people, a group that
        is not a nation, a diaspora that is not Jewish; no tears, no tak-
        ers, no funerals and no tombs.

        Convert, flee or die; we were told exactly six centuries  ago  as
        of this day. We did all three. We do the same today, with periods
        of mitigation in-between  for  which  we  must  remain  eternally
        grateful  to  some great souls from our past. Like cowards we ran
        away, say some. Like knights, please march  in,  they  should  be
        told. We should have fought to the last man, to our death, advise
        others. But weren't we down to the last man right in  the  begin-
        ning;  and  dead  to boot, or wasn't the demography clear to you.
        Like Jews Battleproof! But when did the Jews fight before America
        fought  for them. Kindly revise your history.  This invective and
        innuendo should not discourage us. This is  the  greatest  armour
        our  intellectuals  on both sides wear. It gives them comfort and
        it saves them risks.

        We must collect our resources and inform the world that  we  also
        exist, that we are a 'people' as much an entity, as much a nation
        as Bosnian muslims are; and as much persecuted with the exception
        that  we  are  not even in the position to raise arms and die for
        our land. We must ask the world to stand on  its  commitments  to
        all  peoples as in the UN charter, we must tell the world that we
        are also a concerned party in Kashmir. We must  clarify  and  em-
        phasize  this as a whole civilizational corpus that we form as an
        ethnic group of high refinement and achievement we are at death's
        door.  And our protectors are nowhere in sight. Nay they may sell
        us, we are afraid, while buying peace in Kashmir, for a  fraction
        of thirty pieces of silver.

        We must ask for help from whomsoever  will  and  launch  a  great
        search  for  friends all over the globe. We will be condemned for
        globalizing the issue, so be it; people supposed to keep  it  lo-
        calized haven't done their duty anyway. We are fighting for sheer
        survival, and in this hour of darkness, who but the  Mahatma  can
        be our spiritual and political guide.  We must unwaveringly fight
        with truth, and all its multidimensional power equipment.

        Time is running short and this may be our last chance to come  to
        our own rescue.


------ End of Forwarded Article

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