Hinduism Today June 95 on line
Hinduism Today, June 1995, is now available on the WWW at
http://hookomo.aloha.net/~htoday/htoday.html. Topics this month include: Master
Builder Uncovers Striking Similarities In Indian and Incan/Mayan Sacred Structures,
Hindu Nepalis Under Siege by Christians and Muslims, Theosophy, Woven from and into
the fabric of Sanatana Dharma, Serenity, Solace, Self-Knowing and a Good Scolding - It's
all in Mother's Fond Embrace, Publisher's Desk-"Old and Grey and in the Way?",
Editorial-"From Indra's Net to Internet", Letters to the Editor, My Turn-Duty
Supersedes Love, Masthead, Scriptural Quotes, Good Conduct-Yamas and Niyamas,
Dharma-Defined and Four Kinds, News in Brief, Healing-Second-hand Smoke: How Safe?,
Music Reviews-a Wonderful Collection of Traditional Indian Music on CD's, Global
Dharma-Chitrakoot School,Bombay to Mumbai, All-India Madhwa Conference in Madras,
New UK Temple and more, Puja in Paradise-Foundation Stones Laid for First All-Stone
Granite Temple Outside Asia