Oct Transformation Conference (long)
A ground breaking Conference:
The Sri Aurobindo Association in America Presents
Title: CELLULAR EVOLUTION - The Transformation of the Body
Time: 11-15 Oct 1995
Place: San Francisco Airport, Clarion Hotel
With: Arabinda Basu, Wayne Bloomquist, Ariel Browne, Mary Cristopher,
Emilie Conrad Da'oud, Adena DeJoya, Diana Douglas, Stanislav
Grof, Beth Hin, Michael Murphy, Theresa Steinberg, Leslie
Temple-Thurston, Bryan Walton, and others
Special Musical Performance by: Constance Demby
We are about to embark on a remarkable adventure into the body -
to the very core of cellular consciousness. The spiritual quest has
been a long time in coming!
This conference is the first in the world to focus on phenomena
happening at the cellular level - in matter itself! The gathering
is an extraordinary opportunity to explore the phenomena unfolding
in matter from many perspectives: spiritual, scientific, artistic,
cultural, psychological, medical and mystical.
We encourage you to give yourself the full five days to discover,
explore and experience the magnificent unfolding of The Cellular
"We want to join with each other at the source of that
bright stream which has been running underground for many
years - that bright stream of consciousness which is now
bursting forth out of the sacred ground: Earth's body,
humanity's body. We want to celebrate what we cannot quite
understand and yet may be utterly grateful: 'phenomenal
healing, physical transformation, and cellular evolution'."
- Ariel Browne, conference committee planner
Pre-Conference Schedule - Workshops
Wednesday, October 11:
6:30-7:00 Body Prayer
7:00-7:45 Meditation with Adena DeJoya
Morning Workshop Options -
Arabinda Basu - "Integral Yoga"
Lecture and discussion on principles of the Yoga of
Sri Aurobindo including transformation, psychic being,
supermind, and future evolution of the species. Review
and discussion of the literature will include - "Life
Divine", "Savitri", "Synthesis of Yoga", etc.
We will also examine the role of The Mother in the
transformation. (Note: this is an all day workshop).
Adena DeJoya - "Descension of the Soul: Entering
Cellular Consciousness"
This preparatory workshop is designed to assist you
in: discovering and understanding the physical
cellular vibration, at the fetal level; understanding
how your descent into the physical, cellular vibration
has opposed your soul evolution; and discovering your
original soul call so you can establish a new
foundation for the physical restructuring of your body
through aspiration, dedication and discipline.
Michael Murphy - "The Future of the Body"
In this seminar, evidence will be presented to show
that today, more than ever before in human history,
the human body, in concert with the mind and soul,
can mutate to a higher level of development. A summary
of this evidence, which is discussed in his book "The
Future of the Body", and explorations of the ways in
which a mutation to higher mind-body development can
be realized will be given.
Afternoon Workshop Options -
Emilie Conrad Da'oud - "The Unbounded Body"
Movement is something we 'are' not something we 'do'.
We are viscerally connected to the far reaching process
of creative life from the primordial soup to expression
in our 'outer' every day world. Our bodies carry the
memory of the beginnings of our sojourn on earth. The
vastness of our origins exist in our intrinsic movements,
maintaining their earthly function and cosmic connection.
The workshop will introduce ways of using breath and
movement to enter this fluid state more completely. Our
capacity to participate with our dynamic creative matrix
is an ongoing invitation to enter into our birthright as
biological creatures. (Note: special time)
Arabinda Basu (continued)
Mary Christopher & Diana Douglas -
"Microangels In Our Cellular Universe"
Have you ever wondered who the intelligence is that holds
our bodies in form and allows the cells to replace
themselves? Microangels are a specific group of angels or
devas who live and work in the cellular dimensions. In
this experiential workshop, we will provide the
opportunity to communicate with these microcosmic members
of the angelic kingdom through a variety of meditation,
writing and drawing techniques. We will explore what these
angels have to share with us about healing.
Evening Presentation -
7:00-10:00 "The Divine Mother"
Elizabeth Hin & Leslie Temple-Thurston
Thursday, October 12:
6:30-7:00 Body Prayer
7:00-7:45 Meditation with Leslie Temple-Thurston
Morning Workshop Options -
Adena DeJoya - "The Teenager in You: Power, Sex and Survival"
When we enter puberty, a negative cellular vibration is
magnified and set in. The teen tries to understand this,
but can't. The result is to project pent up feelings.
Thus, we move farther away from the soul path to embrace
collective consciousness. At puberty, we play out that
negative force which has possessed us from our first breath.
Practical exercises will help us reverse this pattern by
understanding how the dynamic continues into adulthood.
Leslie Temple-Thurston - "Mother as Matter"
The discussion will center on egoic dissolution,
transformation and transcendence. An outline will be given
of the profound changes that these bring to the mind and
emotions. We will also look at how these changes evoke the
subtler paradigms of Divine Mother. Source material: "The
Mind of the Cells" by Satprem.
Theresa Steinberg - "Holotropic Breathwork"
Holotropic breathwork is literally moving towards wholeness.
The essential healing capacity within each of us is a direct
function of open energy flow. This energy flow is induced by
controlled breathing, evocative music and focused release
work. Relaxing your physical body opens the energy channels
to allow emotional peace and spiritual guidance. Holotropic
breathwork induces nonordinary states of consciousness.
These states allow your essential qualities to manifest.
You can tap into early memories, archetype images,
identification with the collective unconscious and other
phenomena of the transpersonal realm. (All day workshop).
Afternoon Workshop Options -
Ariel Browne - "Cell Talk" (tm)
This experiential workshop will be a co-facilitated by
members of cellular healing training group. Cell-Talk, a
breakthrough, revolutionary technique for cellular healing,
communication and transformation is based on the yogic,
transformative cellular research and discoveries made by
The Mother of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in India. In this
workshop, participants will engage in cellular healing
meditation, do cell drawing and learn cellular dialogue.
Dr. Browne will share the group technique for inner-
communion guided by the cells which she teaches in her
cellular psychotherapy and healing practice. People
experiencing active disease, somato-dysfunction process,
or recovery fro catastrophic or terminal illness are
encouraged to attend.
Mary Christopher & Diana Douglas - "Coloring Our Cells Clear"
An innovative and direct approach to working with cellular
memories (especially trauma). We will use meditation,
writing and coloring to become aware of the impact of
memory in our cells, and then color the cells clear. Pages
taken from the "Cell Coloringbook" and participant's
freehand drawings or collaging of cells will allow us to
work with the physical and subtle body cells, making use
of the power of the imagination to heal and transform.
Theresa Steinberg - "Holotropic Breathwork" (continued)
Evening Presentation -
7:00-10:00 "Born Awake: Children of the Global Era"
Elizabeth Hin
Conference Schedule - Plenary Session
Friday, October 13:
6:30 Body Prayer
7:00 Meditation with Arabinda Basu
8:30 Opening Remarks
9:00 "Integral Yoga & Mother's Agenda" - Wayne Bloomquist
12:00 Lunch break (box lunch provided)
2:00 "The Future Evolution of the Species" - Arabinda Basu
3:00 "The Dilemma of the Soul: Before and After it Enters
the body" - Adena DeJoya
5:00 Buffet dinner
7:00 "An Evening of Beauty", with Leslie Temple-Thurston
and Bryan Walton
Saturday, October 14:
6:30 Body Prayer
7:00 Meditation with Leslie Temple-Thurston
9:00 "Transforming Your Physical Body Into a Proper
Vehicle for the Soul" - Adena DeJoya
10:00 "Cell Talk" (tm) - Ariel Browne
11:00 "The Future Evolution of The Species" (continued) -
Arabinda Basu
12:00 Lunch break (box lunch provided)
2:00 "Integral Transformation in the Global Era" -
Elizabeth Hin
3:00 "The Future of the Body" - Michael Murphy
5:00 Buffet dinner
7:00 'Darshan' - Experience timeless Presence and the moods
of equality, balance and equanimity in meditation as
Leslie Temple-Thurston gives the transmission of Shakti.
8:00 'Special Concert' by Constance Demby.
"She can create sounds you'd swear you never heard before,
but somewhere in some dim memory, there is a faint echo
of remembrance, rich and compelling, calling up almost
archetypal inner experiences and seeming to address directly
the deeper, inaccessible levels of mind."
Sunday, October 15:
6:30 Body prayer
7:00 Meditation with Adena DeJoya
9:00 "The Cosmic Game: Metaphysical and Spiritual Insights
from Modern Consciousness Research" - Stanislav Grof, MD
12:00 Closing
Arabinda Basu is a member of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry
------------- India. He previously taught at the University level in
England. He has been a frequent visitor and lecturer in the United
States and is editor of "Gavesana".
Wayne Bloomquist is currently the president of the Sri Aurobindo
---------------- Association. He and his wife, Surama, handle the
national book distribution for the writings of Sri Aurobindo and
The Mother. Wayne received his doctorate from the Institute of Integral
Studies in San Francisco where he was first introduced to Integral
Yoga by the late Haridas Chaudri. He is keenly interested in the
physical transformation of the body. Wayne is the author of "Search
for the Soul", "The Soul and its Power", and the forthcoming "The
Finding of the Soul".
Ariel Browne, Ph.D. DD is a clairvoyant, empath and cellular
---------------------- psychotherapist. She developed Cell-Talk (tm)
as an experimental psycho-physical healing modality during her
doctoral research. She is currently in recovery from cancer using
Cell-Talk and writing a book about her clients' and her own
experiences with healing using cellular guidance and communication.
Her dissertation, "Willed Cellular Response in Psychology" chronicles
many case studies of cellular communication in healing. Since 1993,
Dr. Browne has taught and used Cell-Talk in her cellular psychotherapy
practice. Dr. Browne has observed cellular and auric phenomena all her
life. Her own communication with cells began when she was in utero.
Mary Christopher is a native of New Mexico who grew up on the plains
---------------- of Oklahoma. She spent 15 years as an ordained
member of a spiritual community and has over 25 years experience as
a spiritual and astrological counselor. Mary does angel art and is
currently developing a global prayer network. She is the mother of
two grown sons and presently lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Emilie Conrad Da'oud is the founder of Continuum. She is a visionary
-------------------- whose work is being incorporated by an inter-
national audience of professionals from fields such as rolfing,
physical therapy, dance, hatha yoga, chiropractic, therapeutic massage,
psychoimmunology, kinesiology and physical fitness. From 1974-79,
Emilie was the movement specialist in a research study conducted by
Dr. Valerie Hunt at UCLA. This ground breaking study demonstrated
that primary movement is essential to our ability to innovate new
neural pathways and to create a nourishing intrinsic environment
which can mediate disease processes as well as aging.
Adena DeJoya is a visionary and spiritual teacher. Her life is
------------ dedicated to assisting humanity to understand and
clear the cause of human suffering which is rooted in the cells
of the body. She exemplifies that this cellular vibration can be
corrected and that it is possible to live in continual communion
with God. She lives and teaches from a plane of conscious awareness
that encourages others to disengage the rational mind and to
venture into the experience of Grace. The spiritual focus of her
current students (ranging in age from 8 to 60) is egoless service
to God, cleansing of the cellular mind and physical transformation
of the body.
Constance Demby trained in classical piano from and early age.
--------------- She is a multi-instrumentalist, performing on
keyboards, synthesizers, and exotic far eastern string instruments.
As a painter, sculptor and environmental artist, she has also
designed large resonant Sonic Steel Instruments. She is presently
concentrating on contemporary classical space music in her home
recording studio.
Diana Douglas, M.Ed., LPCC is an artist, writer and counselor who
-------------------------- has spent the last 10 years gathering
and offering to others a variety of tools for healing and
transformation. She has worked with survivors of trauma and
grievers combining hands-on energy balancing with exploration
of the imaginal realm. She has recently started a company called
Starmother Enterprises: Educational Tools from the Imagination.
She is the author an illustrator of several books.
Stanislov Grof, MD, Ph.D. is a psychiatrist with over thirty years
------------------------ experience in research into non-ordinary
states of consciousness. He was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia,
where he also received his scientific training. He was invited as
Clinical and Research Fellow to the John Hopkins University. He
continued his research as Chief of Psychiatric Research at the
Maryland Psychiatric Research Center and as Assistant Professor of
Psychiatry at the Henry Philips Clinic of John Hopkins University.
Dr. Grof is one of the founders and chief theoreticians of
transpersonal psychology and is the founding president of the
International Transpersonal Association.
Elizabeth Anne Hin, MA is a spiritual teacher residing in Santa
---------------------- Fe, New Mexico. She is an instructor at
Southwestern College and conducts an extensive private practice
in spiritual counseling.
Michael Murphy is co-founder and Chairman of the Board of the
-------------- Esalen Institute, and author of three novels:
"Golf in the Kingdom", "Jacob Atabet", and "An End to Ordinary
History". His nonfiction works include "The Life We Are Given",
a book about transformative practice co-authored with George
Leonard, and "The Future of the Body". He has been inspired by
Sri Aurobindo and lived for over a year at the Sri Aurobindo
Ashram in Pondicherry, India.
Theresa Steinberg, MD is certified in Holotropic Breathwork (tm)
--------------------- by Stanislov Grof, MD, Christina Grof and
Jacquelyn Small. Theresa earned her medical degree at the
University of West Berlin in obstetrics and gynecology, and is a
certified clinical hypnotherapist. In her research she focuses
on the psychological influences of interactions between mother
and child during pregnancy and birth. While working in Africa
she was confronted and became fascinated by the healing power of
the mind as practiced in shamanic rituals. She trained with John
Pierrakos, co-founder of Bioenergetics and CORE-Energetics.
Leslie Temple-Thurston is a western woman who has experienced
---------------------- full absorption. After many years of
practicing meditation and self-discovery, Leslie experienced
the unfolding of Self-realization during the late 1980s. Leslie's
Samadhi has led her to live and express the subtle energies of the
Divine Mother. She is one of a growing number of Mothers who are
living and working in the West to manifest the divine feminine on
the dense physical plane. In 1991 the organization, Corelight, was
founded to support Leslie's work of spreading the Dharma.
Bryan Walton was a resident of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry
------------ and at Auroville from 1971-1980. As a photographer, he
has been fascinated by the visual and cultural similarities he has
found in his travels around the world. Integrating poetry, pictures
and music, Bryan produces multi-media presentations on world cultures,
art, and religion. he is currently working with several universities
in the Madison, Wisconsin area.
Fees and Information
Conference Tuition - Plenary Session (October 13-15)
Total Adults 18 and under
before July 15 $275 $140
before Sept 15 $325 $165
after Sept 15 $375 $190
The Conference Tuition includes four vegetarian meals (lunch and
dinner on Friday and Saturday).
Pre-Conference Tuition - Workshops (October 11-12)
Tuition per day
before July 15 $75
before Sept 15 $85
after Sept 15 $95
Early registration for the Pre-Conference Workshops is necessary.
SAA reserves the right to cancel pre-conference workshops that do
not reach a minimum number of registrants by September 15.
Lodging A limited number of rooms have been reserved at the
------- conference site: Clarion Hotel San Francisco Airport,
401 East Millbrae Avenue, Millbrae CA 94030.
For reservations call: 800-223-7111 or 415-692-6363.
Special Rates, f or this conference, per day, plus 10%
hotel tax are: $69 single/double occupancy, $79 triple
occupancy, $89 quad occupancy. To obtain these rates
it is necessary to identify yourself as part of this
Changes in Presentations In the event that a scheduled presenter
------------------------ must cancel due to medical or other
emergency, SAA reserves the right to provide a replacement or
cancel the presentation.
Taping Audio taping or video recording is not allowed, Tapes of
------ the conference will be available through the SAA office.
Airline Discounts A limited number of airline vouchers, good for
----------------- substantial discounts on round-trip travel in
the continental US, are available through the SAA office. Vouchers
must be registered by July 25, 1995. Call Wayne Bloomquist at
510-848-1841 for more information.
Room Sharing If you want to share a room at the Clarion and need
------------ a roommate, please indicate a note with your
registration. (Do not ask the Clarion for room-sharing information).
We will send you the names and phone numbers of other attendees of
the same gender to contact. SAA is not responsible for individual
room-sharing arrangements.
Refunds will be made (minus a $25 administrative charge) if
------- requested in writing before September 15, 1995.
Certificates of Attendance are available: 21 contact hours for the
-------------------------- conference and 3 contact hours for each
pre-conference workshop half day. Your own professional certifying
organization may, at there discretion award you CEUs.
Conference Information If you have any special needs, concerns or
---------------------- questions regarding registration, or want
to discuss financial arrangements, please contact the conference
coordinator: Sue Espinosa, 134 Coleen Street, Livermore CA 94550.
Phone 510-449-1261, FAX 510-449-6907.
If you have questions about the conference theme, format or
presentations, please contact:
Wayne Bloomquist, Sri Aurobindo Association, 2288 Fulton Street,
Suite 310, Berkeley CA 94704. Phone 510-848-1841, FAX 510-848-8531
or by email contact: prem@ix.netcom.com
Registration (Please print one form per person)
Name ____________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________
City, State, Zip ________________________________________
Day Phone _____(______)__________________________________
Eve Phone _____(______)__________________________________
FAX ___________(______)__________________________________
EVENT SELECTION. Fill in as appropriate (see fees by date)
Conference, October 13-15 $_______
Pre-Conference Workshop, October 11 $_______
morning title _____________________________
afternoon title ___________________________
Pre-Conference Workshop, October 12 $_______
morning title _____________________________
afternoon title ___________________________
Total Enclosed $_______
We prefer payment by check to avoid credit card processing
fees. We will, of course accept credit card payments.
Please charge my VISA ___ MasterCard ___
Exp Date ______________ Number:
Signature ________________________________________________________
If payment is made by credit card, you may FAX it, if by check
make payable to "SAA" and mail to:
SAA Conference
134 Coleen Street
Livermore CA 94550
Phone 510-449-1251
FAX 510-449-607