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In article <3q5ohj$mlj@ucunix.san.uc.edu>, jbroder@uoguelph.ca says...
>Dr. Jai Maharaj (jai@caprica.com) wrote:
>: [ Date: Mon, 15 May 1995                             ]
>: [ Original Poster: George Verghes <sdn@doe.ernet.in> ]
>: [ Second Poster: Brian Wright <bdw@eskimo.com>       ]
>: Please forward this
>: =================== 
>: A number of multi-national fast food chains including McDonalds,
>: Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken and TGIF plan to open outlets in
>: India shortly. Indian NGO's and Environmental Groups are concerned
>: about the various impacts these new chains will have on the
>: environment, nutrition, viability of the local food industry, etc.

[Part of quoted text deleted to conform to Pnews limits...Moderator]

        I am very pleased to see that someone is going after
the food for profit not nutrition crowd.

        Anyone can see what fast food chains and 7 to 11 type 
stores have done to the USA.

        I am sorry I don't have any stats to send to you but
you do have my full support.

        I would like to see some of the facts that you do get.
I will certainly pass them on to others who are interested.
Good Luck and Insist on a serving of fresh food.

Rev. Phil Buzard


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