
Re: Hindu New Year?

On 20 Apr 1995 00:12:58 UTC,
in article <3n48ua$41p@ucunix.san.uc.edu>,
richrw@pipeline.com (Richard M. Weil) wrote:
> My nephew (9 years old) has a school project to write about the
> celebration of the Hindu New Year. I have checked several
> sources but no where can I find any mention of a Hindu New Year.
> If anyone can shed some light on this, I would appreciate it.
> E-mail would be fine. Thanks
> Rich Weil

     There are several calendar systems prevalent in different
regions of Bharat.  They are based on the Sun, Moon or
Jupiter, or a combination.  A full description of each makes quite
a study, but what is known as the National Calendar uses the Shaka
era.  It begins on March 22 in a common year and on March 21 in a
leap-year.  This is how to calculate the Shaka year:

Shaka year + 78 = CE year (March to December)
Shaka year + 79 = CE year (January to March)

The "CE" stands for the Common Year we observe here in the west and
is an equivalent of the old terminology "A.D."

     Here are the formulae for the Bengali year (Bengali San):

Bengali San + 593 = CE year (April to December)
Bengali San + 594 = CE year (January to April)

     In Kerala, the Kollam era is used:

Kollam era + 824 = CE year (August to December)
Kollum era + 825 = CE year (January to August)

     An easy explanation to give to a nine-year-old would be that
throughout the world people use different types of calenders which
began at different points in history.

 *-=Om Shanti=-*  Jai Maharaj
                jai maharaj |_|_|_|_| mantra corporation
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