
Shubhashito(Noble Thoughts):God as Mother

    	    	    	God as Mother

The Divine Self or God has two aspects: Mother aspect and
Father-aspect. Truth, knowledge, power, infinity, justice, abstraction,
sublimity, and suzerainty are qualities applied to the Father aspect,
while beauty, bliss, love, energy luminiosity, compassion, proximity,
eternity and grace the qualities of the Mother-aspect. These two
aspects of God are worshiped by mankind in some fashion or other all
over the world. The worship of the Mother-aspect is especially
well-developed among the Hindus.

Most people think of God as Father. However, the concept of God as
Mother is more fulfilling because the love for mother in the depths of
the heart is more deep-rooted than the love of father. No one can hold
a secret from his/her mother. Sometimes a person has to seek the aid
of her/his mother in order to please his father. Therfore, the concept
of God as Mother is the most evolved expression of the religious
feeling of a person towards the almighty God.

Even though God as the Mother is One, She manifests in various forms
through the different stages of the evolutions of the soul.Thus, She
leads the infant soul along the path of sadhana or spritual discipline
with the aid of Father. When the individual soul attains enlighenment
and id freed of the cycles of birth anddeath, the Mother and the
Father and the soul become one. This is Self-realization-that surging
ocean wherein all dualities and multiplicities are dissolved and the
fullness of bliss is experienced.

    	    ----- by Swami Jyotirmayanada
    	    	"Mysticism of the Devi Mahatmya"


* "This life is short, the vanities of the world are transient, but they      *
*  alone live who live for others, the rest are more dead than alive"         *
*    	    	    	    	    	    	    	- Vishwa Vivek        *

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