American Hindus Against Defamation (AHAD)

Urgent Clarification Sought From Producers of "Xena"

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AHAD Letter to the producers of the show
WVA Letter to the producers
Pacific Renaissance Pictures 011 649 834-7275 (this is a New Zealand number; the show is produced and shot there).
Xena Fax: (818) 866-0223
Send faxes to: Universal Studios (818)866-1402
Is Universal Studios Planning a series of stories based on Hindu theme?  Here is Xena website
Send a mail to producers
AHAD Home Page


American Hindus Against Defamation

Representing several prominent Hindu organizations in N. America

Sue May
Pacific Renaissance Pictures Ltd.
P. O. Box 90409
Auckland, New Zealand

Dear Ms. May

It has been brought to our notice that an upcoming episode of Xena : The Warrior Princes titled, "The Way" will depict God Krishna, revered and worshiped by hundreds of millions of Hindus. We have also been made to understand that this fictionalized portrayal of Lord Krishna may not be appropriate or in good taste.

I would like to express strong concerns about this episode on behalf of American Hindus Against Defamation (AHAD). AHAD is a forum representing several prominent Hindu organizations in North America. These constituents of AHAD represent a vast majority of a million strong Hindu community in North America. AHAD was at the forefront of protest against SONY Music for denigrating display of Lord Krishna on the cover of album "Nine Lives" by Aerosmith. Over 20,000 people from around the world signed the protest against SONY Music in less than a week and thousands of others wrote and faxed their protest to SONY which eventually led to the withdrawal of this album cover.

We would like to find out more about the episode, "The Way". If possible we would like to request that you send us a transcript or a preview copy of this show so that we can find out how this revered God has been portrayed in your show. We can assure you of the confidentiality of any material that is sent to us.

We certainly hope that the Universal Studios does not intend to hurt the sentiments of a billion strong Hindu community around the world. However, there is a distinct possibility that the airing of a story offensive to Hindus will indeed permanently alienate the Hindu community not just towards this particular show but all the entertainment products that Universal Studios produces. After all, Hindus around the world can hardly be silent spectators while the God they worship so passionately is being denigrated.

It is our clear intention to avoid any confrontations or controversies. We have always sought to amicably resolve the issues that hurt the Hindu sentiments in the very early stage, and we are indeed hopeful that this issue will also be similarly resolved.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Ajay Shah,
American Hindus Against Defamation

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