
According to Rig
Veda, Vishwa Karma is the divine architect of the whole universe. He is the
personification of the creative power that welds heaven and earth together. He is the son
of Brahma.
He is painted white, has a club in his right hand, wears a crown, a necklace of gold,
rings on his wrists and holds tools in his left hand. He is the revealer of Sthapatya
Veda, or the science of mechanics and architecture. Mahabharat describes him as "The
Lord of the arts, executor of a thousand handicrafts, the carpenter of the Gods, the most
eminent of artisans, the fashioner of all the ornaments, on whose craft all menu subsist,
and whom, a great and immortal God, they continually worship."
He is the presiding deity of all the craftsmen and architects. |
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